~“The Blog That Watches Back”~

Monday, September 8

My apologies

I had planned to blog something that happened to me today.I decided against it,because it included me telling a bunch of puerile,sexist,neanderthal,mouth-breathing,knuckle-dragging,porcine asshat men to shut the fuck up.In a very public setting.And they wholeheartedly deserved it.And they knew it.If my daughter was with me she would have been proud.[Actually, if my daughter had been there and heard them,I would have killed them.]But I'm not proud of it at all.I'm just tired.I know,I know,this isn't heaven,it takes all kinds,yada-yada-yada,I can type platitudes til the cows come home,shower,change for dinner and a movie,have a fine bistro dinner,see the movie,come home and have a nightcap,but it doesn't change just how tired this makes me.And once again,I am SO thankful to be married to a real man,and not a dick [my apologies to dicks everywhere]and to have 2 excellent young men as sons.And my men,as well as most of the men of my acquaintance know better than to say and do things in public in front of a lady......and,even as I typed that,I'm laughing,what kind of lady yells out "shut the fuck up" in public? A lady who has to school some ignoramuses,that's who.And I'm just the woman to do it.But its tiring.And sad.You all have a good night,I have some men I need to hug.


Lisa said...

Scathing!!! They sure have must have ticked you off....

Anonymous said...

Aww, too bad *I* wasn't with you... I've been looking for some fun lately :-)

Gail said...

Lisa! Good morning,honey How are you? Yeah,it was pretty bad.I knew if I let them know they scared me or pissed me off it wouldn't end.I need a big stick.

Gail said...

Ah,West Harlem speaks :o) No,T,you and Boo are in the same age group,and if you had been there,really,it woulda been bad.It was just wrong,and women your age shouldn't have to hear stuff like that.NO woman should have to hear stuff like that.{{{{{{{{{{{{{{T}}}}}}}}}} No matter that you 2 don't need me protecting you,I will.So there ya go :O)I Love you honey :o)

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, oh man, are you kidding me? I guarantee I've heard it already... I work in bars with all men, remember? ;-) Some are not only racist, but sexist as well... real winners!

Gail said...

T,you've probably seen and heard more than I have [at least lately :O)]But,you are one of mine,and I wouldn't allow that type of stuff near you.{{{{{{{T}}}}}}}} You're stuck with me :O)