~“The Blog That Watches Back”~

Saturday, September 27

Inflatable Dolls

O.M.G. It's here.The bow I bought off of eBay. Did my homework,but how much can you know without actually handling it? I have never had a bow like this before,I have never PLAYED with a bow like this before. It fits my hand like it was made for me, when I got it out of the package I wound up standing there,just holding it. I have never in my life held a bow of this caliber.The close work is a little more difficult,fast playing between neighboring strings,but that will come in time,I appear to be afraid to over-tighten my little friend. It makes the cello SOUND better,it Rings more.I just told Steve,sorry,Babe,gotta quit so I can practice more. And,you know you have to break them in,until you have the rosin distributed evenly,you're gonna have a squeak here and there,and even the squeaks are endearing :o)

I put a quote that I liked on the bottom of my blog yesterday,about wrinkles,because I was following a train of thought. My train of thought left the station on a commercial.It was an Oil of Olay commercial,telling women how wonderful,how fabulous,how thin and gorgeous we could be,if only you used their products.Now,when I was a younger woman,I LOVED original Oil of Olay.The shape of the original glass bottle,the smell of the lotion,when I smell that it takes me right back to my 20's and having lil babies around.Then something happened,....they started making product after product,and then product lines targeted to your age. That commercial....it said,not surgical results, [naturally] ,but if *I* use their products,I can look like the 92 lb, airbrushed,anorexic anemic 29 yr old model they used for the commercial !! But the kick...they opened a medicine cabinet,and slowly populated it with the products I'd have to use to "look like that".At last count,it was thirteen. Thirteen bottles and tubes and vials with twisty special things inside of them,artistically arranged,I imagine,as I'm supposed to arrange them in MY medicine cabinet. I have just a few questions about that:

-Where would I put my toothbrush?
If I cram all that stuff in the medicine cabinet,I'll have to remove our toothbrushes and toothpaste.Am I supposed to bypass oral hygiene in favor of no wrinkles? Cause I do NOT LIKE poor oral hygiene.

-Where is Steve supposed to put his shaving gel?
This is one of the few things I have to harp on him about. It HAS a place in the medicine cabinet,but he leaves it out,so the can makes rings everywhere it sits. I do not LIKE that! Is this commercial actually a con,made by men,so they don't have to put their shave gel away anymore because there is no ROOM at the inn for it? Cause I do NOT LIKE cleaning shave gel can rings.

-When I use this stuff,and all my wrinkles go away....will I need to get in line at DMV and get a new picture license?
Cause I do NOT LIKE DMV.No,I don't.

-Does this cream promote weight loss?
Because,I notice all the women in the commercials need to gain weight.And,if the cream DOES promote weight loss,if I shoot enough of it at my asshat neighbor,will she disappear? Cause,I do NOT LIKE her,and I'd be willing to experiment in the interests of science. Also,...if *I* buy the product,can I donate some of my weight to the women in the commercials? We women have to stick together,I'd be happy to help.

-I noticed that you said,one of the items does 7 things,..but all 7 of those things sound suspiciously like "moisturize".
How many different ways can you say "moisturize"? Do you have a list? A Thesaurus? And do you really think *I* think your cream will have the same effect as an IRON on my FACE? Cause I do NOT LIKE the thought of an iron on my face.

-I notice that all the anti-aging,anti-wrinkle,anti-reality commercials are aimed at women.
Do men not age at the same rate? Do you feel they are not as gullible as women,so your advertising $$'s would be lost? Or do men NOT LIKE to be talked down to a like an inflatable doll? Because I do NOT LIKE to be talked down to like an inflatable doll. Not even a wrinkle-free inflatable doll.With big red lips and a hoochie-mama dress.

And,at the end of the day,how effective was all that advertizing? How much bang for their mega bucks did this company get? Well,for me...I noticed that I do NOT LIKE it. I'm using my beloved,original,won't-fight-wrinkles-or-anything-else Oil of Olay.If the wrinkles want me they can have me.If they can catch me. I'm warning them, I'm pretty damn fast for an old broad.And I have a wicked left hook.

September 28 is "Ask a Stupid Question" day! Have at it!!


Anonymous said...


Beat up my wrinkles, please :-)

Gail said...

T hon,I'll only bitch slap the wrinkles if they hurt :o) You want to know the truth??....we're being "taught" by society that we should really really care and do EVERYTHING possible to avoid wrinkles,but the simple truth is...I don't Give a shit! Who am I supposed to kid? I'm Happy to be going on 48,and I don't mind aging at all,considering the alternative :o)I wouldn't go back to my 20's or 30's if you Paid me.Why would I want to try to look like someone I'm not? :O) You enjoy EVERY wrinkle you get,you have Earned them.Kinda the same theory applies to my grays....they match the experience on my face.I'm not saying that I don't have a passing acquaintance with Mz Clairol,but some of my grays I'll keep.They belong to me :o)I guess I'm glad I got on that train of thought,'cause it was kind of liberating to decide how I'll deal with aging.I'll enjoy the Hell out of it :o)I hope you do too,sweetheart :o)

John Voss said...

About 20 years ago I tried a men's hair coloring thingie...Grecian Formula or the like...because I was more gray than I thought I should be.
One night my sons and I were having dinner at Wendy's in New Windsor when Jeremy said: "Dad...your hair is like...all greenish and yucky!!...." Well that was it. I never used anything at all on hair or skin again. Who knows how many folks wondered why my hair was more Martian than human until the honesty (read "tactless bluntness") of my kid let me in on the secret.
Since then I've just been happy that I still have hair, and it's not too bad looking either I'm told.

John Voss said...

String instruments are unique because they, like people, are made of organic material. Even two made from the wood of the same tree are distinctly different from each other for that reason. Finding a bow, then, that suits a perticular instrument is like finding a life partner...each one is that idiosyncratic. So...congratulations on making a happy match! Gail...the Yenta! LOL!

Gail said...

And once again John, you rock..funny and amazingly honest for a guy...I can imagine the impact it had on you if you even remember where you were :o)I had a similar experience with Boo...I was trying to find the right color.She came home one day and told me I looked like Lucy [I love Lucy]OUCH ! But I got rid of that color quick enough :o)

John Voss said...

oops...that's "pArticular, not pErticular"

Gail said...

John,you know what I am accustomed to playing :o) I canNOT believe the difference,..I wind up sitting there just holding the bow,it's just so right! I never knew you could [should] do that,I thought they came as a matched set and that was that.And I really have to get over myself and tighten it a bit more.I believe I raised the bar on myself quite a bit :o)That was more than I ever thought I'd spend on a bow,but I'm so glad I did :o)

Gail said...

>>>oops...that's "pArticular, not pErticular"

And here I thought that was a play on words ;o)

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, well, you know, I was kind of flattered at first that people thought I was older than I am... I've had guys convinced that I'm 28-30, and they swear it's cos of how I carry myself, and not the way I look... but now I'm not so sure, you know? Hahahahaha XD

Gail said...

T,it IS the way you carry yourself ! It's them thar city-girl ways !!! :o)Plus,if they feel you're too young after they hear how old you are,well,that makes it YOUR fault! Pretty nifty,huh.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the new bow.
DH has a custom fiddle made by an "old guy" in Arkansas that of course sounds like nothing else. I left a comment to you comment on the wrapped bow entry about DH's stringed collection

As for me I don't even have a passing acquaintance with Ms Clairol but my sis and her MIL keep Clairol in business...her MIL is a hairdresser and my sis used to work for a Clairol subsidiary so she got hers from the company store. No Oil of Olay here either. I figure with these three males at my house I need all the wrinkles to get all the, deserved, sympathy I can get LOL. Though having some old coot ask if J was my grandson about put me over the top, thought DH's 14 yr old niece was his mom, J was/is as Casper, my nickname as a baby, like as me and DN is of mixed race....I think the guy needed his eyes checked.

Gail said...

>>>Though having some old coot ask if J was my grandson about put me over the top, thought DH's 14 yr old niece was his mom,>>>

OUCH !! Lee,how long did it take him to be able to stand upright after that?? :o :o)

Anonymous said...

I just politely informed him that he calls me mommy, and that she is his cousin.

I've been accused of being his grandma one other time but the accuser was under the age of 5, one of the boys that goes to day care with him, I told him also that J calls me mommy, grandma was/is across the street.