I had a window of time to practice,and chose the cello.Sat down and started to play,but,WTH??? I couldn't make what I was playing [Shubert/Ave Maria in Db]sound right! It really startled me,I thought something was wrong with my hands,but wouldn't they hurt if there was something wrong? So,I got the nano out to play with that,and for no reason,picked up my secondary bow [the first one is my favorite]I had hung the first bow from the stand,and just happened to glance at it,...do you SEE the warp on that puppy! I have NEVER seen a bow warp like that,EVER.[the hair and the wood are supposed to run straight along side each other,not look like a roller coaster]So,I took the pic,and left the bow on the baking area.Got ready to leave for work this morning [dressed all in black, it *is* monday]and hit myself with the bow. Rosin all over me :o) Just finished helping Tony open a package...used my hip to keep it on the counter when I knifed it,it slid,and knocked the bow into me again. Rosin all over me again.I am Talented! I'm not going to throw the bow out. There's no way it can be used to play with again,but I'm sure I can think of something interesting to do with it :o) Now I have to bow shop,I HATE the bows I have. Crap.
Oh,and ladies.....have you scheduled your Mammo for the year yet? Come on,get with it. October is National Breast Cancer Awareness month,
and if you wait too long to schedule,you'll be waiting until next year. I go Wednesday,oh happy day.BUT....I take 3 days off a year....when I have my mammo and my physical....I take the day off and celebrate [I can't do that for the mammo,I'm still too new]and I took my birthday off already,I REFUSE to ever work on my birthday....Jan 2...and part of my birthday gift is that Steve has to take the day off too]which means I don't get paid for New Years Day either.Oh well ! But,I digress...at LEAST get your calendar out,call,and plan the mammo.DO IT !!!!! And if you're a guy,go grab your lady and ask her "when was the last time you had your squishie??"
And,I will leave you with this to think about....
"Do people actually eat cheese made with maggots?"
Off to start dinner.And cheese isn't an ingredient in any of the dishes I'm making :o)
DH has had some pretty strange things happen to bows.
I'll ask if he has ever had one warp for no appearent reason. I don't think he has bought a new bow since I've known him but he has had several re-haired...that bill is enough of a shock.
Lee ! What does your hubby play? :o) And,I really have NEVER seen anything like it.There is no way that thing is getting rehaired :o) But I'm having fun thinking of ways to display it,how often do you get to decorate with a warped bow?I might run ivy up it :o)
Just about anything with stings except the Cello.
Since we have been married we have owned at least for bit a stand up bass, it is now pretty much toast...DH's bass player (tic) former bluegrass band member slammed it down on the spike crushed the top, he has a viola, several fiddles.
I can't name/count the guitars other than Martin and Taylor, those have been our costly children the past few years...he has paid more for them new and in up keep Martin is from the 1970's than we paid to have the boys.
At his mom and dad's is his Tuba and no telling what else.
He has had several bows warp for no reason...right at 40 years of playing.
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