~“The Blog That Watches Back”~

Friday, October 24

Thank You Boo !

I am so lucky!! I started the new job the beginning of Sept.,so it's WAY too early to ask for days off. BUT....my family has a tradition. It's the Anti-Black Friday tradition....we NEVER shop,we stay in our jammies all day, watch movies,and eat movie food. [I want to see The GodFather again,and I plan on eating some great pasta and being tipsy on a good italian red wine by 3pm! You hear that! No later than 3pm!] Then my birthday...I do NOT work on my birthday,ever. [I won't let Steve either,that's one place I put my wife foot down hard.We take our birthdays off and have us some fun] If you can't celebrate your birthday,things are pretty bad,and we know how to celebrate ;o) Plus,I made an appt for my annual fasting blood work [for my physical] on my birthday,before I even knew about this job. So,I wanted Black Friday, my birthday,and Jan 9th [the actual physical and getting the results of the blood work] off. Today I go in,and by the time clock,there's a sheet of days the business is closed for the holidays. Dig this......I get Black Friday off,and the week starting with Christmas straight thru to my birthday and that weekend too.Woo-Hoo ! I felt like I won something! I only need to request one day now. Great way to start the day.

Tony is making me go to his places on the net. Todays' place is Cracked.com,where I saw this,I almost fell off the couch laughing:

And once again with Tater.You MUST admit, she is raising her child correctly!! WTG,Tater, always a joy to hear frm other she-pirates :o)
"1. Expecially for Gail.. "Lil Tater" is watching Calliou and he is playing with a "Pirate Bear". She is walking around saying, "ARRRRRRGGGG Me maties!!!""

Steve called,inventory is humming along,but he won't be home for a while. Practice and bubble bath time.I'll leave you with this:

"Proper Punctuation is Key"
[Boo,commenting on my blogging style. Thank You Boo!I Love You!And I miss you !!!!!How's THAT for some scrumptious punctuation?? ! . . .]


TronWife said...

Good deal about the days off! Woohoo!!

Gail said...

I can't tell you how happy that made me,I oughta go buy a lottery ticket! I was so psyched that I left my tea mug by the time clock,[when I stopped to take a pic of the "days off" sheet on the way out Fri.]and I forgot to punch out :o) :o) I'm such an ass :o)