Todays spam:
Subject: QPB's Spotlight on new arrivals-Rejoin
Gail= 0
OMG,QPB is Quality Paperback Book Club.Owned by the same people who own all the book clubs,once they have your number [and hoo-BOY they have my number] they try to lure you back to the fold with e-mails like this. I HAVE to be strong,I HAVE to be strong.....but really...a 10 for the attempt.
You all know what Facebook is. I don't do Facebook. I'm more of a blogger than a facebooker. I wanted to sign up to wish my niece, Mz T, who comments here frequently,a Happy Birthday.[in July] So,I figured I'd sign up,say a how-de-doo to T, and visit on Steves page.When I tried to register at Facebook to give him a poke [their term,not mine] it said my e-mail addy was already in use, so I guess there's another me out there. I finally got a facebook name. He wrote on my wall,I wrote on his, the usual stuff. No surprizes. Until this morning. I do NOT LIKE dark cold early mornings unless I am under the covers. I was not. Then, while my puter was booting up,in the cold dark,I saw a Huge spider. Huge. That freaked me RIGHT the hell out. This is not the optimal way to start the day. I decided today would be the day that I emptied unused e-mail accounts.....once a month,I go to our e-mail accounts that are not being used,to delete spam and check for any issues. [for example.we use aol...there are 5 of us,and 7 screen names,so 2 are of no use.Also,we have cable modem access,so I took our usernames and duplicated them there,just in case aol goes belly up,I can transfer everything relatively easily] [How was THAT for the long way around to the point?? I PRACTICE that] This morning,in clearing out those e-mails,I found a "friend" e-mail from facebook,from someone I went to high school with... they made me a friend a month ago,and I just found out...because I used an unused e-mail addy to sign up. I only saw it this morning,almost deleted it. I suppose if you know Steves' full name,and if you went to his facebook,I'm the only me that can make a comment like that to him [or my fake me is gonna get brained upside her head] and it's conceivable that I was tracked that way. I am lucky,I happen to like the person who just befriended me,what if I didn't LIKE the person ? And,ain't it a delish piece of irony,that I sit here,discussing brain matter and mammos,yet want privacy? Yes, I get the dichotomy ;o) Yum.
Main Entry: blog
Part of Speech: n
Definition: an online diary; a personal chronological log of thoughts published on a Web page
Example: Typically updated daily, blogs often reflect the personality of the author.
I sometimes second guess whether I should blog something or not.Is it too personal? Will it hurt a family member,or betray a confidence? Will it come back,at some point in the future,to take a big bite outta my ass? Am I feeling lucky? Is Shirla reading it,and Carter and Wesley are nearby,and if I swear will it scar them? I think about all that. And,up til,say, 30 minutes ago,I was gonna come in here and unload like there was no tomorrow.Just a bunch of bullshit,bad day,pulled muscle,bad headache,monster cramps. Had a follow-up with my doc [I'm not sick] and walked out when I found out they expected me to sit there for more than an hour [if it's not an emergency,I will only wait 30 get in,and 15 min in the exam room.Any more than that ,and I walk.] I know docs can get backed up,and I'm not mad or upset,but time is time,and I'm not wasting it. If they're truly backed up,they'll appreciate the clearing of the decks,and if they overbooked,then screw em, I ain't no sheeple. [and I know this office,I really believe they got backed up,they're usually really good about wait times.] Oh. Guess that was kind of an unload,huh?? Hey,you haven't SEEN an unload until you've seen me at it,just ask Steve :o) That was just, ah,commentary! Yup,commentary. A cup of tea, the theft of one of Steves muscle relaxers,a couple of ibu 800's and we're back in business. Oh,but don't tell Steve that,I boo-hooed to him,and he's bringing home dinner. Things are definitely looking up :o)
Thursday, October 2
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Oh,we have that in common Gail,I get those e-mails all the time.What are you reading now? Because of you I'm in the middle of the Demon Haunted World:Science as a Candle in the Dark,by Sagan.
Nin :O) I'm usually a one-book-at-a-time person,but I have 2 going right now.A Readers Digest how-to book,about making homemade things instead of buying them,and Get the most from your digital camera [but I don't think this is the right book for me,these cameras are real ones,I have a point n shoot...but I'll keep plugging.Maybe someday,what I see in my minds eye I'll actually capture ;o)]
I broke free from the addiction of book clubs long ago. But once upon a time, I belonged to every stinking one!! The lure of 'free' books, delivered to my doorstep no less, was too much for me to resist for the longest
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