~“The Blog That Watches Back”~

Wednesday, October 15


Noise [n]
1.sound, esp. of a loud, harsh, or confused kind: deafening noises.
2.a sound of any kind: to hear a noise at the door.
3.loud shouting, outcry, or clamor

Take your pick :o) It was a subtle irony today,in 3 different circumstances,Noise was discussed.What it is to you,how much you can stand,what you do when it gets to be too much,and,of course,the big offenders...family :O) In one loop,no musical tone is considered noise [and of course I agree with that,and have a percussionist daughter to back that up ] and in another,not only is it noise but it is discouraged.Can you beLIEVE that? I would not be who I am without music, it is the single biggest determining factor in my life. Not only the love of it,but the striving to find it,to get the lessons for it,to always have it around.You will know you are in my house,or my vehicle, if I am not playing something then music is being played,except for family time at night. I canNOT imagine thinking "I don't want to hear that,so I won't give my child lessons" I just can't imagine that.

One loop,a friend said she canNOT listen to her kids talk after 8pm. [???]She has them always doing something,right up to their bedtimes,so she doesn't have to listen to them [her words ] Her life is so "noisy" she is all noised out by 8pm. ????? I canNOT imagine this,we talk at the dinner table and often wind up there after the meal has ended. I can't imagine NOT listening to my kids, and I finally figured out today that the withdrawal feelings I'm having are from not hearing from Boo and Stevie on a daily basis [ok,they do IM, but that's not the same, to me, as having them in front of me or by me on the couch ] Those of you with kids know,those teenage years, sometimes you DON'T want to hear from the kids, and I imagine the feeling is very mutual....but, not listening to them after a random time at night? And the little ones? They talk non-stop at night,that's when you get to know your kids, if you're not listening, how do you know who they are? And if you're not talking to them, how do they know who YOU are?
Now,I'm not saying it's always a circus around here.....just a good deal of the time. And I need down time too,..not necessarily quiet time,which I like,but uninterrupted time,like for playing or reading, where no one expects you to participate in anything going on around you because you are nose-first into a book...and my family respects that reading time of mine,-unless it's really important, they don't interrupt it.

Then a discussion about what we thought our families would say noise was. Oh,I can answer that right quick. A reminder for them to do something that is their responsibility,but has not yet been done.For example,Tony will tell you noise is ANY sentence that includes the words "Garbage" and "take it out now or you'll get an ass fee" Boo and Stevie will MOST assuredly tell you ,any time I mention them and their penchant for leaving unwanted mail all over hell's half acre here,that's noise to them.And Steve.....,where do I START ??? :o) Anytimes he hears :
-socks on the floor
-dishes on the desk
-car parts,OMG,where HASN'T that man left car parts?
-he's a mail offender too,..all that mail right by the dishes on the desk EVERY morning

I may SPEAK those words,but what HE hears is "blah-blah-blah-de-freakin-blah"...and in his defense,that's EXACTLY what I hear,when HE mentions....wellll,he mentions nothing,*I* am the perfect wife ;o) blah-blah,blahblahblah..........

Something else I wanted to say.I generally do NOT blog about work,because a higher up at work has mentioned things that I have just blogged about,so I have reason to believe I am read by my boss.No big deal,I mean EVERY word I type here.Just like I mean these,....

I heard,today,the WORST,stupid,yelling diatribe by a person in power that I have ever heard in my Life,and you would have to know the places I've worked to understand how bad THAT is.This older MAN, [as opposed to the younger one][and I use the term "man" very loosely] who should have known better,let loose on 2 women.He let loose because those women asked him a question of protocol about their job.They asked him a QUESTION,and he yelled.No,he screamed bloody murder,I thought he was going to have a stroke.Over a QUESTION. I felt so bad for those women I almost cried, and they were no where near me.This pig that walks like a man must have needed an ego boost. I wonder why,what could make him feel so inferior? Usually with men like that, is money or sex. Since he obviously has money,it's gotta be the old wham-bam. Either he isn't getting any,he gets made fun of when he tried to get some, he doesn't know what the hell to do once he GETS someone, or his dick is so short that he can't find it with tweezers and a flashlight.None of these things have anything to do with the job at hand,so shut yer friggin yap,and treat the people who work for you with a modicum of respect.IF you can manage that.He strutted out of the area like a friggin rooster,but EVERYone was laughing behind his back. Actually,2 men at work busted a move today,the second was breaking up a catfight,and IMHO was justified about telling those employees where he would stuff parts that were put in the wrong place. Women,ANY employees, can dig a righteous anger.NO women can dig a man getting off on the job.If you really have that much trouble with sex,hire a hooker, either to show you the ropes or to get your rocks off.Keep your lousy mouth off the job. There's your advice for the day,let's see you work THAT into a conversation tomorrow. Oh,and another piece of helpful advice,I appear to be brimming with it......women don't like men who can't control their mouths.They wonder what ELSE you can't control.And women ALWAYS love a real man.So behave like one, and see what happens.

Have you gotten this far? Sorry about that, I do NOT LIKE animals like that.I might have blogged myself out of a job,but frankly I don't care.Whoopsie! And here's the next Halloween Cactus pic,isn't it lovely?? TYVM,Boo and Stevie :O)


toypartman said...

Count me in for one vote on the small dick syndrome. There is no need to yell at employees like that for any reason except if they are in imminent danger and you are yelling a warning. Period. If this a-hole ever yells at you like that, get up, spit in his eye and tell him to go F himself. I am always behind you 100% and if you ever quit because of this gentleman berating you he may just find his hands full dealing with a very pissed off 290 pounder. Enough said. ILYM always

Gail said...

:o) :o) :o) You don't have to tell me that honey,I know you always have my back.But,You forgot to tell me to rip his balls off ;o)I'm still upset for those women,I can't imagine how they felt.Well,actually I can,and the thought made me wanna cry.I missed you a lot today.