~“The Blog That Watches Back”~

Wednesday, October 22

Poke ?

We have a lil something from Tony today.He got it from Stevie,who got it from one of his car forums,that's all the attribution I can give. O-M-G. Tony tells me there is a facebook for me, [the little brat. wait. He's 6'3.The Big brat.] I HAVE to see it.This is a Facebook spoof,and Tony votes me most likely to poke someone with a walking stick :o) :o)



TronWife said...

I used to tell people at work that I wanted to put a spork on the end of a stick so I could poke the dumb people from afar. I called it my spork stick.

Gail said...

Dawn....the scary thing is,I can visualize you doing that ;o)You could probably make them in your garage and sell them on the infomercials I watch late at night :o):O)19.95....but WAIT ! Get the second for FREE,just pay shiping and handling of 27$ !! @@ :O)