I went out with the plastic,and heard a lot of rustling around,and what sounded like something plastic being snapped in two.Came around the corner....This first pic is to orient you...if you are here on any type of regular basis lately,you've seen my cactus pics.You can also see my truck,right out the cactus window.This pic was taken by the corner of my truck,in my driveway for cryin out loud,if you look behind the basketball hoop [and the rake I left there,all my fault,not Steves this time :o)] you'll see a white thing.That was a garbage can.

The second is a pic of the garbage can,as close as I was gonna get to a wooded area where the friggin bear might still be

....yeah.I damn near walked right into a friggin bear. Again.Gail does not LIKE this.That was TOO frigin close for comfort,I really thought it was Tony out there and just went out without bear-checking first. This time of year,you do NOT want to startle a bear. Oh,NO. And,I am pretty harsh with the bears around here. One year,I went out yelling at one to leave [in my defense,I had all the groceries in the truck ] I was swinging a swiffer mop at it,and hit my truck instead,taking out the right rear tail light assembly.And WHAT did Steve say? Damn straight,he said nothing,just ordered the parts.[but I know for sure he told everyone at work and they all had a good laugh about it,company Christmas parties are great places to find out stuff like that.] I feel like,this time of year,you need to be accompanied by a Mariachi Band to be safe out there. I had no idea the bears were back,last I saw of them was on the news @ 5,they were down in Jersey ..... and Jersey can keep them.
~The sole purpose of a child's middle name is so he can tell when he's really in trouble. ~
Me thinks I would be getting me one of the little air horns like they use at football games you know a couple of bucks at WM or Target.
Does you truck have a panic alarm? Or would Gentle (or not so Gentle) Ben or just look at you like your out of your mind LOL
I think I'll keep my squirrels, deer, raccoons, fox and coyotes
We have one! I just really thought it was Tony,and was careless enough to walk out my kithcen door without thinking. And,you got it,EVERY time I make noise [except for the teenage bear we had here a lil while back]the bears do this comic thing, "Slowly I turn" and they look at me like I'm crazy.And Lee,we have all the animals you have...are you SURE you don't hve bears where you are? Do you know what I like seeing the most? We have loons,and when they rise up to fly,it is one of the most graceful things I've ever seen.I'll miss the wildlife when we move....all except the bears :O)But we're looking for rural and wild anyway,so maybe I'll get lucky :o)
Just now (I don't know why it took so long) started reading your blog. You inspired me to start one of my own.
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