~“The Blog That Watches Back”~

Sunday, October 12

Sunday,Conscious thought ...Really :)

See! You do NOT want me down here at that time of night,with a keyboard under my fingers!!! [refer to previous blog entry from 3:05 am] All Boo had to say was,Ma you always forget the space after a period. You're SUPPOSED to have a space after the period .See,she knows me,and has nothing to say about zeppelins or horses ;o) Tony got to the part about the zeppelins,covered his eyes, and said he was done ;o) Steve...well,he didn't see it yet,I don't think. Remember I told you my commute is 4.32 minutes long? Well,evidently,that is NOT long enough a commute to charge my battery.My truck would not start this morning.Steve charged the battery for me,and will buy me a megatron battery this week.Who would imagine you'd pay in that way for such a short commute? So that's the drivers' door solenoid,the rear wiper motor,the wipers,and the battery,in one week.But,Baby is 8 years old,ya gotta except this foo stuff to start happening.At least it's a vehicle,we haven't lost any more appliances since the summer microwave wars ;o)

My bow is broken in,and lovely,I love the weekends and having time of extended play [ok the vacuuming goes to the bottom of the list ,but a gal has to have priorities]I had a scare this week....one of the ladies at work broke a finger,and I wound up at her station.She's been doing this job for 20+ years,and I walked into her station on thurs.I thought my hands would die.Friday I got home,and the veins in my lower arms were all bulged out,and my arms hurt/were numb,a really weird combo.So when Tony left,I had a good cry. I couldn't play Ruby on friday,....you need to put pressure on the back of the neck of the cello with your thumb,and of course pressure on the strings for pitch,and I couldn't do either. This job is about the weirdest one I've ever had.The shop would never ever pass an osha inspection,and the job is ,well, a bitch-kitty.But the People......just great people,there's not a nasty person in the bunch.They WANT to help you,they WANT to see you succeed. On friday,the job moved into a more difficult area than on thurs,and the SECOND I needed help,all I had to do was look up and say help,and I had people lined up to show me what they knew,so I could draw from it to do the job.It doesn't help that I'm a leftie,and everyone is a rightie [if you're a leftie,you know we tend to do things "backwards" from the rest of the world,and on this job,that is very important to take into account] I don't know what I'll be doing tomorow. The supervisor told me,the station is pretty intense,and if I need to switch,I should say so.But I'm not gonna screw someone else over [make them do the job] I took the job,and I'll do it. NOW I get what I was told,about "we'll see if you can keep up" .Why,yes,yes I can...but it's coming at a pretty high cost.I hope that changes soon.

And,here's my funny for the day. I have to tell you, you need to read what's in the box...the first time I saw the "Page not found" I left too early to get the joke,....Sorry Nin,I get it now :o)

October 13th: National Kick Butt Day
~ Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass,...it's about learning to dance in the rain.~

OH !!!! And T if you see this,-this from my kf group....remember you were telling me about roumanian steak?
***** I have only ever seen them as skirt steak, it's a few inches wide and over a foot long. ****** grilled them for maybe 5 minutes each side and they were perfectly cooked!
In the diner it's on the menu called Romanian steak."


tech2tech2day said...

Gail,your 3:05 sounds like you on a pot of coffee... a stream of consciousness,uninterrupted. Also, the first time I saw that site,I thought that it was your work.Funny,clever girl.You need to work down here. The commute would be 2 1/2 hours or so,I believe,but the job would be worth it.

Gail said...

I miss chatting with you :O)Can you chat tonight,around 6:30? You know where to go,I'll look for you :o) And however much I love you,a 2 1/2 hour commute one way and Dean are too much to bear :O) :O)