I almost had a calamity..Tony tried to kill my coffee grinder! Oh, no matter where you are,you would have heard me if he was successful. I mix 2 kinds of beans....not only because they taste great,but the dark roast beans have too much oil in them for a burr grinder [and THAT is the kind of grinder you want for coffee,blade grinders just mash up the beans,your better off buying ground coffee than using a blade grinder on coffee beans] I mix half "brown bag" [8 O'Clock 100% Columbian] with half "purple bag". [8 O'Clock Italian Dark roast] We ran out of the "brown bag" and Tony filled the hopper with the purple bag......you should have heard that poor grinder,it sounded like it was gargling with rocks. Even as I type, Tony is off to the store to get brown bags of coffee to atone for his sins :o) [and,truth be told, I *do* have a spare grinder....I bought a spare when I discovered that my model was discontinued,- I don't like the looks of the newer models,they look like space ships. This is my grinder:
We've been talking a lot about the economy,and how it effects us,but it's doing things to me that I don't understand.Take my FICO score,for example...last month,it went down 21 points....nothing new on my end,no new debt, my cards are zero balanced,I don't GET it. Today I look, and it went up 25 points,and that c.c gave me a large increase on my credit line,one that I didn't ask for.Again,nothing new,no new debt. That same c.c. shows me my fico for free every month,from Transunion.Do you know,Transunion will NOT explain why or how your Fico with them goes up and down? "There are too many variables for us to be able to answer that question" But they are the ones that scored me! I'm happy with my FICO,- but in light of looking for mortgage approval soon, I do NOT want them friggin with the riggin,yanno? It doesn't matter how high it is,if it's see-sawin' up and down every month,that can't be good,right? Steves FICO did the same thing mine did,with no explanation for it. I heard on the news that inactive credit lines would be cancelled,and active ones may have the limits lowered,but what is happening to me is the exact opposite.Gail in retrograde. I think I'm a control freak,about my financial portrait,I want to know everything,and I want to know how it got that way.
We're waiting for Boo to show up,so I check her away message:
"I now own a fishing license and a rod.Pumpkin picking and fishing,WTH am I,Amish?"
So I guess she won't be here for a while :O) :O)
Oh,Oh And before I forget.....here's my Halloween Cactus in all it's glory,I love to touch the flowers on it, they're like silk:
Oh,the sweetest thing! Stevie just called me,from the GROCERY store! He's cooking dinner tonight for his girlfriend,and needed advice as to what to make ! [ I put a BIG nichter on sauteed peppers & onion with the dinner,what if they want to kiss "good night" ?? Dead Silence then a couple of yuks :O) .But,if you're dating,you might think of things like that! And,don't forget the candle,and something cute and sweet for dessert. Big smile on my face,I have at least one kid old enough to not only take my advice,but ask for it! Woo-Hoo,Mothers Day in October !!
I hope you all have a fantastic Saturday night,I'll be curled up with my honey,a bowl of popcorn,and the latest Indiana Jones movie [unless I let him talk me into Ironman,but that better be some pretty sweet talkin' :o)]
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