~“The Blog That Watches Back”~

Saturday, October 4

I'm just off the beaten path,that's all.

Every marriage has a division of labor.....you agree to do X ,and your partner agrees to do Y. Well,in our marriage,Steve is da Gearhead. I don't even have to pump gas for my truck, Steve takes it out once a week, fills it up,and beats on it...he says,to make sure everything is running the way it should,but *I* didn't fall off the turnip truck yesterday, he just likes to make vehicles walk and talk. That *does* serve a purpose, and I'm one to talk, I enjoy it too. So,he went out to get the newspaper this morning,and came back with the most sheepdog look on his face, I couldn't iMAgine what trouble he could have gotten into walking to the end of the driveway and back. "Ah,Hon? I need to take your truck monday,we'll have to swap vehicles. Why?? Ah,I forgot your inspection.When is it due?? Oh....last month" ????????????????????? Here I am,telling you,hell I have Blogged it to the world,that I am doing 75 to 80 in a 55 every morning, I make that truck walk and talk EVERY MORNING, and I am doing it with cop bait on my windshield ! Oh,this will NOT wait until Monday,that means I can't use my truck this weekend...you know,it's like forgetting your license at home.....If you don't know you forgot it all is cool,but if you KNOW its not on you,you WILL get pulled over and asked for it.So this morning, he went to work to snag a tag. I'm trying to think how many wife points I get for this,what my angle is :o)

This morning,we went up to New Paltz,to visit Boo and see her new apartment.She shares it with 2 other girls.They are so lovely,and the apartment is a young womens apt.,not a dorm room,they've all really matured in the last year. Boo painted her room dark blue,and spray painted white clouds all over the place :o) I also got the chance to mother without opening my mouth,I brought a bowl of fruit [in a halloween type bowl "just to decorate"] and a veggie platter with Boos' favorite dip to her :O) We got to go to a local restaurant for lunch,too:


I miss her a lot,sometimes I feel outnumbered by the guys. They're my men,and I leave them in no doubt as to how I feel when they gang up on me ,but I still miss having Boo around. Seeing the apt. just brought it home,that she has moved out for good. Happy and sad. That's the area we'll be moving to,one of the towns up near N.P,,it reminds me of my town in the 70's.
I was telling the guys that,technically,I am a statistical anomaly.......for example,only 1-2 % of the population has green eyes [I do] 10 % of the population has eyes as bad as mine,10-12% of the population is left handed [I am] ...oh and the left hand thing is weird...1 in 10...but 2 of my kids are left handed,so that makes my family predominantly leftie.Go team Gail!! Stevie informed me that I'm one of those one in ten people you have to look out for. Stevie is sporting a kick to the butt right now. I want to look and see how many different ways I'm weird.I'm sure there are more. And,as sure as I'm sitting here,some of you will let me know what I've forgotten or missed. :O)


tech2tech2day said...

Hello,Gail.How long until Boo graduates? And,as far as statistically being in a minority,what about your I.Q? I see you don't mention that.

Gail said...

Nin :o) Boo graduates in December,she's hoping IBM will change her status from intern to full time then.And,did Dean put you up to that? Because I Will slap him ;o)