~“The Blog That Watches Back”~

Sunday, August 31

Stop Right There!

Politics.This is the only time I will speak of politics in my blog,ever.I've never done it before,and I won't do it again.You will soon see why.IRL, I don't discuss politics at all,to the point where,when one sister pissed me off, pressuring me to tell who I voted for in the last presidential election,I told her I didn't vote at all.She had the nerve to yell at me,so I had to remind her where she was and to keep a civil tongue in her mouth.You might not like my opinion,so feel free to skip it. Truly.I will not be offended.I'm giving you ample warning in advance !!!! It'll be a bit of a vent for me today :o)

I hate all politicians above the local level.Do you watch South Park? They recently ran an episode where Stan refused to vote for a new school mascot,because his choices were a turd sandwich and a big douche [if you *don't* watch,I'm not kidding,the mascots were in full costume :o)]

Stan refuses to vote,until he is enlightened....all your life,your only choices will be between a turd sandwich and a big douche so get used to it,and vote.THAT is what I think of the current candidates for President.I live in NY,so I hate Clinton.I felt she bought the office of NY senator,and had no right to do it the way she did it.But...I would have chosen her over Obama,at least she is intelligent and TRIED to define issues and create solutions for them,and didn't "speechify".She had common sense.[I still hate her.]I can't STAND Obama,he's a snobby holier-than-thou false-face whore who will say anything,and I can't STAND that people can't see thru him.McCain and his running mate,-don't get me wrong,I appreciate his service to this country,-but I feel the same way about them,plus they make me worry that frickin politicians will once again try to get into the doctors office,and make medical decisions for women that should be left to a woman and her doctor,and McCain is just as full of it as Obama is.I hear "I hate Fox[News] TV,they can't HANDLE what Obama is dishin' out, and Obama is a God" and I wonder about the sanity of the speaker [a neighbor,and someone I thought was sane and mid-line intelligent,just goes to show you never know]He was Thrilled! Grow Up!!! Give Obama an academy award,but not the Presidency of the United States! And,McCain is no better.And BOTH these jerks believe *I* will believe their campaign speeches! So,they're insulting my intelligence to boot.Well,there ya go.As a middle-aged woman,I hate both candidates,they stand for nothing important to me,and they're both full of hot air and turd :o).I see people who blindly and fanatically follow these politicians as shallow unintelligent people looking for a Messiah,when the power to make change is in their own hands,they just won't own it.As a Mom,I see the political speeches as so much blather,...they remind me of some of the diatribes my young kids would go off on to try and make themselves look innocent of wrong-doing,lots of multi-syllabic words,try to distract me with b.s,rah-rah,my left ASS cheek. I see people cheering these candidates on at their speeches,and I think less of them for it.Sorry,but I do,...if they are so interested in improving the world,maybe they could go out and DO something instead of dressing to the nines,dissecting words not written by the speaker,and applauding empty promises and hot air.And any person,who sees these speeches,and says to me,one of these guys is better than the other,well,I'll know their IQ is a lot lower than I first thought.It's true.I'm sorry!!!You see? As far as politics go,I am an equal-opportunity hater,and come election time,I know my choice will be between a turd sandwich and a big douche.[pardon my french,but honestly those WERE the choices :o)]You know,I never publicly said what my political leanings were before today.It felt good.YAY for me!! I HAVE no political leanings,I'm a registered democrat who votes for whoever the hell looks best for the job,and I wish the U.S would treat other countries the way those countries treat us and visa-versa.:O) Any Mom will tell you,..get rid of all the candidates.Now,take the people who GOT those politicians to where they are today,..the organizers and supporters,the volunteers and campaign managers.....and pick from THOSE people! They can get things done,on time and mostly on budget,and don't feel the need to give a speech each and every time they do.THEY are who I would vote for gladly :o) :o)
So,if you've come this far,I'm amazed!! I have never really spoken like that before,I always shied away from it.I don't want to alienate my family,neighbors or friends over politics,so I don't mention the topic.And hope I haven't offended...but there you go.[cue the violins]"That's what Blogs are for" ......


Anonymous said...

I LOVE that sp episode... mad hilariousness.

But in seriousness... "one of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you wind up being governed by your inferiors." -Plato.

Now, no one is making you vote. You have the choice in this country. But imagine if you DIDN'T have the right to vote. Furthermore (and here is where I have evidently lost 70 IQ points, as a political artist- but, whatever, you're entitled to your opinion!) I believe that it is one's duty, as a citizen of one's country, to be well informed on the politics of one's own country. Not necessarily to become obsessed, as I have, but to go at least a little beyond what the incredibly biased mainstream news media are putting out there. You know, THEY choose what you see on their networks. If you want to see more... you must look.

And while I DO agree with you that both candidates are pretty scary, you must realize that they are our only options. As much as I think Paris Hilton would be awesome... *SYKE!* she's not on the ballot. And while Obama has not been great about concrete plans, he DOES have a comprehensive tax plan which totally rocks. Not to mention McCain is gonna die in approximately 2 hours, and we're gonna be left with that global warming denying, moose burger eating, big oil connected, scandalous VAGINA for president. Because that's all she is, and he admits that's why he picked her... "to shake things up". Women EVERYWHERE ought to be livid. As much as I didn't love Hil, she's had SO MUCH MORE EXPERRRIENCEEE in government. Even OBAMA has had more experience than that Palin freak, who, as evidence shows, is passing off her 17 year old daughter's Down Syndrome baby as her own.

Hmpf. If you need information, I am a fucking library for this shit.

But also... you need to watch this, only cos I peed myself like a baby when I saw it... I laffed so HARD! I think he's on drugs...


Gail said...

>>>Now, no one is making you vote>>>
*I* make me vote :o)I said that to piss Ronnie off :o) [now I'll have to edit this so she won't see that,in case someone links her up :/ ]

>>> Palin freak, who, as evidence shows, is passing off her 17 year old daughter's Down Syndrome baby as her own.
Are you kidding?Seriously? I watched McCain announce her,and I watched the post speech interviews nad totally believe[d]that she had 5 kids,and HER youngest child was boen with Downs syndrome.It made my heart go out to her,and she really DID ,I'm trying to rerun that interview in my head,but T she gave ME the impression that *that* was her child!! Oh,WOW.And if it helps,I watch CNN,Fox news,and CNBC interchangeably,one thing I learned is not to watch ANY one channel for your news.WOW.[p.s...I don't think Obamas tax plan is anything but hot air,and I believe in a flat tax,which will make me EVER so popular ;o)]Now I have to go look up the Vagina ;o)

Gail said...

T,can you hook me up with a source for the Down Syndrome baby actually being Palins grandchild,and not her child?TYVM,Dear :o)

Anonymous said...

I started to dig shit up, then realized I have to RUN to Ottos cos I'm playing tonight. But never fear, they will be in your hands tomorrow... er, in your screen... there's pictorial evidence as well. Palin NEVER looked pregnant, whereas her daughter did... you shall receive these soon.

And uh... if you wanna go look up a vagina... that's your business ;-)

Anonymous said...

WHEW! There's evidence now to the contrary... it turns out her daughter DID get pregnant, and is STILL pregnant.


But the things people were freaking tou over were a.) The fact that Bristol looked preggo and Sarah didnt.

b.) The fact that the stupidest vagina EVAR flew 10 HOURS WITH A HIGH RISK PREGNANCY back to Alaska from TEXAS... AFTER her water started to leak. Not break, but leak. And people who interviewed her around that time, as well as airport security, said they had no idea she was pregnant. SO naturally, people thought she was flying to Alaska for her DAUGHTERS labor, because why would you be so stupid? Not to mention that Bristol was taken out of school during the last 4-5 months of her mother's pregnancy for "mono", and some classmates claimed to have seen her pregnant.

But unless she got knocked up right away again... I don't think that's possible, right? There are also some really nasty theories going around that her BROTHER was the one who knocked her (Bristol)up, which is why the kid has Downs... but that's just grosssss.

Gail said...

THAT's the kinda news I never see,T :o)

Gail said...

So you see,Obama just won the election without too much effort.Abortion is another topic I do NOT discuss ,EVER,just like politics,but I'll say this.[fair warning,look away if you do not want to know!!!!!!!]Abortion was made into something with a political agenda. It never should have had ANYTHING to do with politics,religious beliefs of anyone but the person involved,or law.This is a medical procedure,and as such,should be discussed between a woman and her doctor,and should be protected by doctor/patient confidentiality.Not anyone else.Period.Everyone is welcome to an opinion about medical procedures performed on them.Parents have the right,whether we agree with them or not,to dictate medical treatment for their minor children,based on their beliefs.NO ONE has the right to have an opinion about another adults' medical treatment.And,as an adult,this is one of the reasons I hate politics,..it polarizes huge groups of people,to vote one way or the other,based on one topic.I'm not obsessed with politics,but have enough knowledge to make what I believe is an informed decision.Unfortunately,my vote won't count.I'll probably select a write-in candidate.

Anonymous said...

I completely agree about the whole abortion thing. What it boils down to is that I (you, any other woman) was born with this goddamn organ known as a uterus, and thus, we retain the rights to it cos it's IN OUR BODIES. Who is anyone to jump up on a podium and tell US what we can and cannot do with our own bodies, when there is no clear definition of when life begins, and when church and state should be separated anyway?

PS... MORE 'RYLLIS PLZ! haha... are you going to have to stake it?. p.s... my fittonia is so whack now that I've decided to let it trail. It literally exploded with new growth... and can no longer be contained, hahaha.

Gail said...

:o) T,I got this amaryllis the spring Jake was born,so this is it's 8th year here,and I've never had to stake it.Its important to turn them everyday so the growth can support itself on all sides,but I'll stake the sucker if it gives me any grief :o)And listen,I read the funniest thing...ultra-conservatives believe that life begins with the egg and the sperm,even before conception,so that outta outlaw masturbation ;o)And these type of discussions are all your fault,I'm too old !! :o)Oh,and you can cut back the fit anywhere you want...you can also get a mini trellis [they're made of plastic,sold in the plant dept,this time of year on clearance or at home depot or lowes]and stick it in the pot,the fit will grow right up the trellis,it's wild and fun ti watch :o)

Anonymous said...

Oh man... i really DO hafta go to home depot but... but...I've been keeping myself away cos once I get down to the gardening section, I'm a VERY NAUGHTY GIRL. (... i buy more plants. and pots. and stuff...) Stop giving me excuses to go! hahahaha XD