It's kinda dangerous to give me time to think :o) I do not like where I live,but we've been here so long,we've had such a great life here,and great neighbors.I don't want to make it sound like I'm not grateful to God,or Karma,for everything I have.And,believe it or not ,there ARE things I will miss when we move.For example [and here comes the ice cream]I love the huge trees,the old growth trees,that seem to be disappearing at an alarming rate.Last spring while weeding I came across a baby Norway Spruce.We have 2 huge ones in the yard,and I will miss them.The squirrels and chipmunks love them,and they are pretty funny to watch...just don't watch while your chopping stuff for dinner.But I digress :o) I brought the baby Norway Spruce in,and wondered if I could keep it alive inside,I understand pines don't take well to inside conditions.I didn't want to put it in a permanent planter,because if it got diseased,I'd have to toss the planter as well as the tree.And so,Ben and Jerry came to my rescue:

See the tuft at the top? That was pine-cone type material when I planted it,and it just opened up,so I guess it wants to live.This tree will come with me when we move,and I'll plant it in our yard.Probably no one else will remember where it came from [OK,Steve will,he about bust a gut when he saw this in the livingroom the first time:

But I just thought,there's some,what's the word I'm looking for,I over-use existential,..neo-classical?Post-modern?Cosmic? There's some cosmic message here :o) :O) I had a few people not notice,one person roll her eyes as if to reaffirm what she'd thought all along,a few people laugh ,-but that wasn't my intention,there's just something interesting about the comfort of religion and the comfort of ice cream,so near each other.OK,that was a thought from around 3am,but there's some validity to it!
And,I know this is a recent repeat,but here is my word for the day,I'd never heard of it before,and it suits every single thing my landlord has told me ;o)
MEANING:noun: Fossilized excrement.
ETYMOLOGY:From Greek kopro- (dung) + -lite (stone), from lithos (stone).
I just giggled like crazy at the site of the flower ice cream planter. Ya know I can give you some pots if you need it LOL JK...
TYVM,Honey :O) It started out as being broke,when we were first married,I used chinese take out cartons as planters :o)But I keep doing it for the tee-hee value :o)Ya know what my problem with them is?It reminds everyone to ask if I have any [mini ben & jerrys'] in the house.And I wouldn't admit it if I did :o)
Too friggen cute!! I never would have thought about repurposing a ice cream container LOL
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