Hey,at least he's *doing* laundry,right? :o)
I kept forgetting to tidy up my blog,I hope you like the new colors,-if you don't,have a drink,...they'll grow on you.Plus,I finally make clickable html links out of the charity links so they'll be easier on the eye,and to navigate.My friend Laura sent me the Second Harvest link last night,and it was so long I knew it was time to do some housekeeping in the links dept.Here is my Boo-torial about inserting a pic in an html link,Old dawgs can learn new tricks :o) And you may remember the pic I used,she sure does :o)
e*******l [3:48 P.M.]: you know that the name of the link goes inbetween the and , right?
Fishiewoo [3:48 P.M.]: yup
e******** [3:48 P.M.]: well put the html tag for the pic in there
e******** [3:48 P.M.]: and there you have it
e******** [3:48 P.M.]: so instead of giving it words to display you are giving it an image
Fishiewoo [3:48 P.M.]: woo-hoo !!!!!! c and p'in
e******** [3:49 P.M.]: haha
e*********l [3:54 P.M.]: dad just called lol
Fishiewoo [3:55 P.M.]: guess who's on my phone ??
e******** [3:55 P.M.]: haha
Fishiewoo [3:58 P.M.]: So it would look like this?
Fishiewoo [3:58 P.M.]: http://www.boomspeed.com/visualeest/boomelon.jpg
Fishiewoo [3:59 P.M.]: where'd the tags go? I'll try again
e*********l [3:59 P.M.]: hmm lemme go look i had the same problem
Fishiewoo [3:59 P.M.]: Bacardis Finest
Fishiewoo [3:59 P.M.]: ooh try that
e********l [4:00 P.M.]: haha yup
Fishiewoo [4:00 P.M.]: Woo-Hooooooooooooooooooooo!!! :O) Mom do good!
HAHAHA, that was clever, stevie. Luckyyyyy! I'm too far from anyone for free laundry, haha. And Boo better get better quick... cos the past has shown, what happens with one happens with the other... and I'll be DAMNED if my cousin is gonna give me strep from 100 miles away! Haha :-) Chug that chicken soup!
Um,HOW many microwaves?Last time we talked it was only 3!If we ever get you down here,remind me to keep you out of my kitchen!Miss you,Nin
T,if you can get all your laundry on the train,I'll meet oyu at the station [oh,I'd LOVE to see that ;o)]She got the soup and the care package,so you won't get sick :O) {{{{T}}}}}}
Nin,it was basically Steve destroying one,Stevie and Boo each needing one for their new homes,and plain bad luck!! I swear !! Good to see you :o)
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