We have started looking in earnest for a house :o) :O) :o) VERY exciting stuff. Our families are thrilled for us,we got to bend the homeowners ears for advice. Some of the homes we are looking at were on the market when we started looking months ago. I'm constantly surprized by some of the things people say in their listings. We figure, almost everything is negotiable by reasonable people. We're not looking to pay a lowball price for someones home, and we will not consider listings where the buyer has to kiss the sellers ass to see the property, kwim? Also, we are not considering foreclosures, we do not want to build our dream on someone elses' nightmare. Only bad thing is, it may not pay for me to commute to my job. I have to say,the sucker has grown on me. I work with great people and get to learn new stuff every day.
I'll bet you're thinking,"I wonder what Gail was up to at 3:05 this morning?" If you weren't, go ahead and think it now, so I can tell you. I was looking out my upstairs hallway window, at the Little Dipper. It was GORGEOUS,the sky was so clear. I don't remember last time I went out in the wee hours to look around, [I KNOW it wasn't 32 degrees out] but I bundled up and went out to look anyway. Not for too long,I don't know if the bears are in bed for the winter yet,and I didn't want to surprize one out there. I need to do that more often, I really enjoyed that. I don't think Steve enjoyed the icy feet,but hey, HE doesn't have insomnia, so THERE. I just don't think I'll do it on a work night :o) I suggest,if you have a sleepless night, you should go star gazing. I think I need to buy an "Astronomy for Dummies" book.
[pssssssssssssst,Honey,..click the title of this blog entry.Go ahead you know you want to!]
And here, another old [old] ad...I'm STILL looking for the pic I lost and am too damn stubborn to go get it out of the frame in the hallway,scan it,and re upload it,you know the SECOND I do that it will appear as if by magic @@ But I found this while looking for that, the story of my life.
29th Electronic Greetings Day
30th: Computer Security Day
[Two holidays that weren't around ten years ago]
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