~“The Blog That Watches Back”~

Saturday, November 22

Internet Cookies

In my house, there's a lot of prep for the holidays. I make a chart for 2 weeks before Thanksgiving [and Christmas, I host that also] and each day gets a list of things to do "for the day",..CRS can't get a foothold if you have a LIST. [ Oh,don't ask me how I know,we'll be here all night :o)] So today is the baking,...pumpkin bread, fudge, Cassie fudge, [named after a niece who adores it, it's more like a 13x9 pan of home made Reeses peanut butter cups...as dangerous to make as it is to eat, that's my motto :o)] and apple pie. I don't know if I'll make the cornbread or buy it, time is really short. But....the baking is a little labor of love, and laughter. I swear to God, I never laugh as much when Steve and I are in the kitchen together and he has this "Chef Steve" act, my stomach hurts from laughing. I have a cd [the one I burned to play at work] with Jace Everette's "Bad Things" on it,and you know you're having fun when you break into dance with your hubby during the pumpkin bread making. Good Times :O)

Today we tried a new recipe...Internet Cookies. You read right here, of Shirla and Bren's search for the pumpkin spice kisses for me, and Bren found em and sent them ! [Oh,and Bren,the UPS man will be making a visit this week, keep an eye out for him :o)]
The recipe could not be easier...a box of spice cake mix,and a 15 oz can of pumpkin. Mix and bake.When they come out of the oven, slap a kiss on them. Sounds easy, until Shirla warned me that the kisses melt FAST, and the dough is uber sticky. So, a scoop to portion out the dough, a pam sprayed spatula to flatten those debbils, and a cookie cooling rack placed in the chest freezer, where the cookies went the second they got kissed, and we had success :o) [the finished cookies are a half batch]

I received a bloging award from my internet friend this week. Actually,I received 2. One was from my friend Shirla, and it is a "roll-over" type of award. People get it,and they decide whom to pass it on to. Shirla has passed this along to me:

and then there's my friend, the artist known as Ruta, who gifted me with this award:

Every time I see these awards, which I am giving a permanent place here, I will think of my internet friends, and thank God for the interweb.Thank you very much ladies,I appreciate it :o)

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Shirla said...

Gail can you pretty please share the fudge recipe that taste like Reese's peanut butter cups???

Lisa said...

thoose cookies look super yummy!

Gail said...

Shirla,you will have it today, I go it years ago in KF,it came from Penny :o) Lisa,these are sneaky cookies,they're even better than you'd think they were gonna be.I had to put them all in the freezer aready,or they wouldn't last until Thakngiving :o)