~“The Blog That Watches Back”~

Monday, November 3


Any of you watch True Blood on HBO ? I got hooked thru the nose and don't know how it happened.Sunday night is Steves' NHRA night,so he's never seen the show. I think the theme song hooked me first,I was folding laundry and heard it and needed to see it too.I'm linking you to the actual opening of the show,and I'm warning you,it's adult,don't click with little ones around.THe whole opening [if you watch the show you understand]is so damn evocative,very well done.


I got quite a few comments about yesterdays' Lysol ad,no surprize there. I would give a lot,to be able to see advertising from 75 years in the future,to see if we are as clueless now as people were during the "Lysol" age :o) One of my loopie friends [I think] sent a whole e-mail full of ads like that,I can't remember which one of I would attribute.Here's a good one:

Is there any such thing as a "Lard Information Council" now? I don't think so,the Boneless,Skinless Chicken Breast Information Council probably beat them up and stole their lunch money.

November 4th: National Chicken Lady Day


TronWife said...

Who is the National Chicken Lady??? Why does she get her own day??? Where's National Moose Lady Day? Is it because no one wants moose lard??

Gail said...

Dawn,you're just ahead of your time :o)