Another reason I love this job, I have a 4 day weekend coming up, Thanksgiving thru Sunday.We are getting ready to celebrate...Black Friday. I told you about that, and I am serious. I look forward to that as much as Thanksgiving Day. The kids sleep over, Steve takes the day off, and we spend the day in our jammies, watching movies. I think a few weeks ago, I picked the Godfather, and some good red wine, but now I'm leaning towards the Grumpy/Grumpier old men movies, I can here the laughter right now. We are the retro-grade black Friday shoppers :o) Why not try it yourself? Say SCREW IT to the advertizers trying to make you go out in the dark and cold to buy items they only have 2 of,...... don't get dressed, lay in some good snacks and drinks, and take the day OFF ! You've EARNED it!
If you are shopping online,and organized [oh HUSH,I can try to be organized,and it sounds good on paper blog ] the shopping can be done any old time, I am a power internet shopper. I have to say, having worked retail, and having 3 kids who did, I HATE that stores are open on the holidays, and I feel really bad that families are forced apart because people are bored. I wish they'd get a different hobby, shopping as a sport hasn't done much for the economy. Some people I worked with didn't mind, the vast majority were forced to be on the job on Thanksgiving, or be fired. I knew what was coming when I was hired on that retail job, so I said I couldn't work thursdays, and that at least took care of being forced to work on Thanksgiving.... but I still had to be in that damn store at 4am on Black Friday. I think if more people knew about the effect black Friday had on the people forced to work retail, they would think twice before supporting the event with their $$.
Well,that certainly was a yaw,wasn't it? I had originally wanted to show you a new to me product line.
Salt that tastes like bacon. I can see cooking with this, but scroll down the product page a bit....that's lip gloss there. Bacon-flavored lip gloss. You have to admit,thats original. I asked Steve if he'd like me to get some [and this from the bacon king] and he gagged. Poor me, no bacon flavored lips. On a tangent,Boo had some caulking to do,and went to Lowes. She just told me she found vanilla-scented strip caulk, something else I've never heard of . Oh, and she got Christmas lights for her room, hehehe ....this is the room painted dark blue,with spray painted white fluffy clouds [and it came out pretty damn good]
And this is very interesting,and odd:
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