I got an e-mail from one of you yesterday, concerning my insomnia. Some people are more private with this problem than I am, but I figure if I learn anything that will help, I'll pass it along. Question one was "what I am doing to help myself sleep naturally, and not take drugs". Well! Thank you for your concern ! I think the words "Drugs" has an illicit connotation, and I prefer meds,...that indicates a Doctor had something to do with my taking the pills. If I ever get my hands on some pot, and it helps, I'll let you know, and you can call that drugs, OK? I have done everything humanly possible to help myself, I can't really even list everything I've done, surely there is a limit to the length of a blog entry. Yes,I do enjoy wine, but alcohol will not help insomnia, I've read it can make it worse....so when the insomnia got mad bad,long about june/july, I cut alcohol from my diet, I even stopped having my Friday-night-with-the-hubby drink, just in case that might have some effect. It doesn't help any that I can tell.And the one time I had booze,the night of the power went out, I didn't sleep then either, so it did not help.
Question 2,....yes,I have tried the other sleep medications. Not only do they not help,but they have opposite the intended effect on me. I am NOT telling people not to use them. I AM saying, there are some people they do not work for [namely moi] and they ARE controlled substances. I, personally, do not feel comfortable taking them on a regular basis, but it is a moot point anyway. If I ever find anything that helps, you will be the first to know ;o)
Just got off the phone with Stevie,he needed a pep talk to convince him he was ready to make a shrimp stir fry for the gf. He knows how,he just doesn't want to screw it up....if I get a pic or anything out of this I'll show you.
Another helpful tip from me to you...if you have a laptop,and that laptop has a fingerprint reader on it, Don't,...really....don't get pissed at the fingerprint reader for being in the way, and cover it with a honeycrisp apple sticker. Your puter will go batshit, and you will have to log off......and that's when a gazillion windows updates will attack, and for the next half hour your puter will talk to itself, totally ignoring you. And you were right in the middle of window shopping for something to wear to Steves company Christmas party,and lost all the pages you had minimized at the bottom of the screen. Wait a sec,I smell a conspiracy here.......
I was looking at all the stuff I ordered on Amazon this year and am totally kicking myself for not signing up for Prime when I first got the emails for it. Better late than never I guess.
Oh and for some reason, the subject of this blog gave me the connotation of apple flavored pot stickers, I was totally not thinking of an actual sticky sticker.
Dawn,for Amazon Prime...you know you can have 3 people use your prime account.You can get 3 friends and split the cost [80$]...I have Stevie,Boo and Tony under me,and we agreed to take turns paying for it,so I get prime for 80$/ 4years :O)You can have different shipping addresses too.
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