~“The Blog That Watches Back”~

Saturday, November 1

Don't use Boomspeed.

Shirla,I have had NO luck with tthe darn kisses,would you send me 2 packages? I'll send the $$ to you monday,Steve has off so he can hit the post office.TYTYTY so much,I appreciate it a lot!!

What a great day! Boo lives off campus in New Paltz,and Stevie was at her campus today taking a class,so Steve ,Tony & I went up and hooked up with them for an impromptu lunch. It is one of the greatest joys of my life,seeing them with each other, and having family time with them,no matter where we are. A ton of laughs, too :o) Plus,it was a gorgeous day here, and the ride was fantastic.

I'm having a problem with my online photo host.We use Boomspeed,and we pay for a premium account,because some of us post a lot of car pics,and need a lot of storage. Boomspeed is just no good anymore,they are down every weekend,no contact or tech support available [they SAY it is,but it's thru the website,which is...down] and I'm tired of the bullcrap. I'm looking for an online photo host,that is reputable, I know I'll have to pop for a premium account based on usage, but it's gotta WORK!!!! Please LMK if you have any suggestions,I am tired of all my pics and avatars not working every weekend,I'm not paying Boomspeed any more for crappy service.

This is the weekend I make all my Thanksgiving plans.I host here,for a crowd,so I make lists of what I need,and a chart of what I need to do and when I need to do it [CRS,Can't Remember Shit,rears it's ugly head :o)] The family joke here is that I NEVER remember to put out the cranberry stuff...I either forget to buy it,or forget to plate it and put it out.EVERY year :o) So rigt now,I know Fri the 21st and Mon 24th are gonna be heavy duty baking/pre cooking days. Once I get going it's all good,it's just overwhelming to sit here looking at my chart :o) I gota go make sure there's room in the #$@## chest freezer for everything,and THAT'S the worst job of all.Oh,Steve honey,I gots a lil somthin' for you to dooooooooooo...............


Shirla said...

Gail, I'll go to the Target by my house tomorrow and look for the Kisses and if they have them I'll get them for you. I'll let you know after I get back what I find. My son Matt liked them cookies without the Kisses so I made a few without the Kisses. I was also thinking that cream cheese icing would work on them too, maybe put a small about in the middle, like thumb print cookies. Also I have a recipe for some pumpkin cookies that are amazing, I'll email you that recipe.

Gail said...

Shirla,TYTYTY !!!!! I'll put cream cheese or buttercream frosting on just about anything,,so that's a good idea with these cookies too,like a medium tip starburst in the middle of a thumbprint :o) And,TYVM for the pumpkin cookie recipe,all ready printed out and in my book :o)

Shirla said...

Your welcome, Gail. I'm getting ready to go to Target now *crossing fingers*. I'll let you know what I find out.

That's a great idea about the decorating tip!