~“The Blog That Watches Back”~

Thursday, November 13

Oh NO you didn't

I told you that I have an extremely short commute...but I didn't tell you, so does my UPS man :O) Today I was at work and he walked in, so I asked him, you look familiar, do you deliver to [my town]? And he said Yes, [my street name and house number]? I sad yes,...And he told me I got a package today. Turns out my house was the stop before my work :O) Everyone was lol'ing,they knew I had a short commute,but not THAT short. Thanks Bill! You can deliver to me at work any time :o)

I also told you that if I got a status report from oldest child I'd pass it on.Steve was making a stirfry for his gf last night,and called for a pep talk and to make sure he knew what he was doing [and he did] Steve did a great job. Here's the pic of the final product,...and Stevie,I KNOW you're reading this, PLEASE try to get a light near your stove so I can see the pics better. Moms' wanna KNOW ! Also,I had to go to the sprint pic website to see it last night,I didn't get your pic to my phone until after 2 this afternoon. @#$%^& Sprint!

Do you want to hear frustrating? I have a photo screen saver on my puter, it came with the puter.You also may remember me telling you months ago that there is a pic, which *I* scanned to the desktop puter, burned to a cd, and personally uploaded to this puter,...that I canNOT find on this puter. But it regularly shows up in the screen saver. The screen saver would freeze and cause me to need to reboot my puter. I know I need a driver, and figured an update would solve the issue, so I went to Toshiba.Toshiba says DENIED, it is Intels' problem, Intel says oh NO you didn't, that's Toshibas' problem.....leaving Gail in the middle with no screen saver. I worked on it a lot today,and woo-hoo, it starts......with the $%^^%^ pic I canNOT find on my puter. I never felt more like defenestrating a puter than I did today. I WILL find that pic,and show it to you,it will be all the sweeter for having to hunt it down like a stalker.

And this from Kathleen,...she e-mailed this to me today and stoped me dead in my tracks.I have it in the shopping cart already :o)


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tech2tech2day said...

Good Morning Gail, we are home. Your co-workers like you because they are getting to know you. How did you fix your screen saver,I know that bothered you. Would you mind sending me the recipe for pumpkin bread again, .pdf it please so I can save it. Thank you my friend, I missed you.

Gail said...

Nin! I'm so happy you're back! I hope you had a great time.Are you tanned? YGM! :O)