13 days til christmas. 20 days until I'm ready for Christmas. You do the math.
Without further delay,my "Wordless Friday " [hehehe] or "How I spent the afternoon not doing anything I should have been doing this close to the holidays but DAMN it felt good"
-lots of practicing on Ruby the cello:
I got up from practicing the geetar, [that's Oscar] turned around, and saw this in my spathe,which lead to a round of playing with plants:
Decided to get with the program, and dust/vacuum the livingroom.Co-opted Tony into vacuuming, and just as I started to dust, I got sidetracked, aGAIN. Baaaad Gail:
Oh,and about the damn funniest thing.... I gave you the website, to "Elf yourself"...well,I elfed Tony.OMG, my belly hurts from laughing,so here's my effort: [thank you for letting me blog this Tony,you're a good sport]
So there you go....my version of a wordless Wednesday.A few days late, and a lot of words,but hell,I took pictures! PICTURES !!!!
Looking at my elf the second time is scarier than the first time! :O
And judging from the the picture posted (and also how I have the TV muted while I play video games), your fingers produce excellent music :).
Gotta love that elf dance! Thats some funny stuff right there, I don't care who you are. Oh, don't worry honey, we'll be ready for Christmas. I'll help. Oh, I know what you're thinking and no, a snowball does NOT have a better chance in hell. I did get the bins upstairs didn't I? LYMH
Tony,you are cracking me up....did you read what you wrote?? :O) :o)
OMG,lol honey! Funny Man :o) Between the Christmas bins and the packing,my head just freezes up,and I need to go play,so I'm not getting too much done :/ But you love me Anyway :O)
I don't even have my tree up yet and I just started my Christmas shopping this evening. I'm so far behind this year it ain't funny! Keith made the comment the other night that it didn't look very "Christmasy" in here. The next day before he came home from work I went into the closet and dug out my Christmas table cloth and put it on the table. lol That's all the decorating I've done so far. :x
Shirla,you've been sick with the flu! You have a perfectly good reason for being behind. Me? I'm still trying to think one up.Hmmm."The Dog ate my decorations" "The dog ate my time" "The dog ate the stuff I bake with"...nope.Might work a lil better if we had a dog :X
Your fingers...owwww!! How do you do it??
Dawn,those fingers scream at me "Good times!!!" You build up callouses,so it doesn't hurt,and the black is from the fingerboard of Ruby.
You are learning to play classical guitar on a steel string? Brave woman! And I wanna see a pic of the WHOLE guitar.
Laura!! Only you would see that! I'm glad you commented,and you will get a full pic of Oscar tomorrow :O) Coming from you,that means a lot :o)
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