~“The Blog That Watches Back”~

Thursday, December 4

Complete with Butterflies!

I received an e-mail from an internet friend this morning, directing me to the blog of a former aol employee. One that was publicly fired. [let go would be a nicer term,I guess] This woman was a self-serving,egomaniacal, lying, stupid [by that,I mean she couldn't remember her own lies]asshat who could not do her job effectively, and ignored abuse reports by people who were not in her own little clique [which is probably one of the reasons she was "let go" in the first place. ]
Normally,I only read blogs about people I care about and am interested in. I was Facinated by this blog, it said that the employee in question was now saying that she chose to leave her [extremely well-paying] job,because fate "told her she's be dead in 2 years if she didn't,and she wanted to pursue a lifelong dream". Also claimed the decision was "the bravest one she ever made." I always figured, blogs are online diaries, you write about what YOU want to write about, but I guess I have another yardstick to blogging too....keep it real. If you don't want to mention something, that's your gig, but sweet baby Jesus, don't blog your alternate reality unless you clearly mark it FICTION or "How I wish it wuz". I just looked this over,and I guess I blogged about it because I am shocked. Anymore, blogging is like talking to a neighbor. Your neighbors know everything, so why try to float a lie?

I got my classical guitar lessons book yesterday.Yay! I wish they had instrumental lesson books for musicians though. All the lesson books I've used assume you can't read music in any clef, and have no knowledge of theory. I rifled thru the pages to page 8,and the first exercize,which told me to use the hand position on page 5. Whoopsie! Had to go back and find that. It was stuck in the middle of learning to read in the treble and bass clefs @@ A lot of pages wasted on me,in terms of time as well as $$. You should have SEEN my first book for flute study, all it said was "beginners"......it was aimed at 4th grade girls,-it was pink, complete with butterflies! OMG, every time I opened that thing I had to l right out l :o)

Poor Stevie! He teaches at the local high school.Tonight is Parent/Teacher conference night, and he doesn't have ONE parent signed up to come in, but still must be there. He ate dinner here,and when he left I told him to enjoy his nothing :o) Hope he has a good book,damn,wish I remembered to ask.

Here is something I meant to show you yesterday,....see, I DO occasionally remember the lost things! This is an informative article about holiday Cyber scams. I almost got phished once...I was shopping at Cooking.com. At the end of the transaction, I got a pop up,it LOOKED like it was from the c.c company whos' c.c I was using, and it asked if I wanted the info stored...and asked for my c.c # and the last 4 digits of my s.s number.Something didn't feel right about that, so I captured a screen shot of it. Found out what it was,and reported it to cooking.com,who claimed I was wrong and I had a virus.Anyone with an ounce of knowledge knows that *that* is not the way this particular thing works, so I no longer shop there. If they'll ignore getting hacked once, next time I might wind up with a real nasty from them. Oh,the article ! :


~There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.

Mark Twain~

November 4th:
-National Dice Day

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tech2tech2day said...

Good morning Gail. I know the employee of which you speak, thank you for the link. I am not surprized, however, considering the source. You know what kind of person she is from your own dealings with her. No insult intended, but sometimes I think you expect the best from people and don't see the bad unless it is aimed at Steve or one of your children. I could see her twisting the truth to meet her own ends for a long time. That certainly was not to your benefit,but now the truth comes out.

Gail said...

Hi,Nin.Yup,I do know,from the school of hard knocks.And I don't think I'm all that naive,I was more astounded at the amorality of it all.No insult taken,I think :O)