~“The Blog That Watches Back”~

Monday, December 15

--->David Patterson,humorless schmuck<----

An update....we had that problem with the shaving gel can getting left out again today. Steve had the day off, and when I got home, guess what I saw left out, leaving it's mark like a dog at a fire hydrant? That's right,the can.So, I [say it with me] "didn't get MAD,I got EVEN". I grabbed the can and walked slowly down the stairs,telling Steve "Oh,it's ON " He panicked when he saw the can, but isn't fast enough to out run this old broad. I shot shaving gel down his shirt.Of course he got to laughing, and when he was helpless,I shot him on the neck too.I don't think he'll be forgetting that can anytime soon. He had to go take a shower before we went to see the.......

REAL ESTATE AGENT ! Woo-Hoo ! We really liked her,and we're going to see 2 houses this saturday. One location makes a commute to my current job iffy,the other makes it impossible.The APR for our mortgage went from 6.25 when we started looking,to 5 !! And it may fall again before we buy. YAY TEAM GAIL !!!!

Oh,and SNL...^5,WTG !! David Patterson,guv of NY.....grow up. It was not an attack,it was COMEDY already. Remember? Oh,wait, SNL shit on your sacred cow.....blindness.Whoopsie! It WAS SNL, not a political rival. It's insulting to your constituents that you think viewing the skit makes us think you are not capable of running the state [right into the ground...oh,wait,did I THINK that or TYPE it? I don't remember] I'll bet you laughed when other politicians were savaged on the show.This is the ONLY reason I don't bust a move and become uber famous, I'm afraid of the satirical way that SNL would portray me.

Oh,and something hysterical...on the way home from the real estate agent,we stopped at Stop n Shop.They were having a sale on bsbc [boneless,skinless chicken breast] so I got 2 big packages for the freezer.While I'm still in the meat dept., Stevie texts me to tell me he just saw a SMOKIN deal on bsbc at [his] SnS...1.99/lb,down fom 4.29! So,we were in alternate universes,both in our own SnS, in the meat dept., at the same time. GMTA,pretty funny.

December 16th:

National Chocolate-Covered Anything Day

~Only Irish coffee provides in a single glass all four essential food groups: alcohol, caffeine, sugar and fat. - Alex Levine ~

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Jackie said...

Where do you want Steve to put the shaving gel? Are you concerned because it leaves a rust stain on the counter? If so then do what I did and get a plastic lid (eg from a Hershey's Cocoa can) and put the gel on that. No more mark and it can be rinsed off once in a while. He can also put his razor on it so no little bits of stubble on the counter.

Gail said...

{{{{{{{Jackie}}}}}}}}} I have 2 problems with that damn can! First,HE uses it,so *I* don't want to have to put it away....but the big reason is the shelf he leaves it on is dyed blue 'cause of the gel! He manages to get the gel onto the bottom of the can!He really is a Great guy,but trust me...he will NOT remember to use the lid [I buy progresso breadcrumbs once a year,to get the container to put *my* breadcrumbs in,when I buy a new container he gets the lid from the old one] You and me..we KNOW what to do to end the hassle.THis man? Not so much :o)

TronWife said...

oohhh I am very sad, I missed chocolate covered anything day yesterday