12 hours til guests arrive:
-Kitchen sink is totally backed up.Where's the snake?
-Ice maker is not making ice. Totally out of ice.
-Steves brackets to SUPPORT [the repair job he just did in the fridge......we are moving soon,and since we don't know what appliances will be included, or the space they will occupy,we are NOT buying a new fridge right now,only to find out it's impractical in the new house. Also, I want the french door fridge,with a big drawer for the freezer below,and I need more time to work on Steve to justify the cost. I know I'll get what I need, the kitchen is MY domain, but I need him to be on board. Oh Shit,I KNOW he reads this blog,and I'm talkin' like he ain't in the room :O)] the support for the shelves is working hunky-dory. It's only when you go to pull the veggie bins out that those brackets move, and now we have a shelf issue.I know he can fix it, but we have enough that needs to be fixed tonight.
"Murphy's law is an adage in Western culture that broadly states, "if anything can go wrong, it will."
Steve and Gail law addends that, it will go wrong at the WORST possible moment. If you look at it properly, and we do, it IS kinda funny in an ironic kinda way. But it is also a major pain in ass. hehehe.It's ALWAYS something ;o)
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