I love days off from work ! I had taken today off as a personal day. Every year I have a physical, and make an appointment for the next year right then and there, so I can't ignore it. I made todays appointment last year.You should have heard the lady supervisor at work yesterday, "Talking" to the person next to me, about how Dr's have evening hours, and there's NO NEED to miss work". I told her, I HATE physicals, esp the ladies one [and that's coming up,shit] When I make an appt., it's for the first slot of the day, and after the appointment, do whatever the hell I want to....hit the library, practice all day, read, bake, anything for me and me alone. THAT is what personal days are FOR. She got quiet quick, maybe she never looked at it that way before.
We had a conference call with our r.e agent last night,about the house we're interested in. It seems that, anytime you put up drywall in this county, you have a finished room, and you need a permit and then a C.O. The guy who owns the house finished half the basement, and had a permit and a C.O for that. However, he drywalled maybe 3/4 of the attic [never finished it, Steve and I figured we'd practice our home building technique up there :O)] and that changes things....the guy never got a permit. So,on top of the crack, and the detached garage having issues, now we have to tell him,you straighten this out, or we will walk...and we will, we have had enough shitstorms in our lives, we don't need to borrow someone elses. And, the whole point of buying a house [getting out of here aside] is to leave something of value to the kids, to enrich their lives and help raise our grandkids. Steve and I never had much in the way of help from our parents, and we want to make sure our kids do.
Every once in a while I want to share a website with you. I had found a great website, but was back-tracking it....following back links to see what else there was to see,...and found myself at one of my favorite sites, PCMag's site,and this list:
Please remember when you scroll down to the "Top 100 undiscovered websites" that you should allow for some time to explore, if you get yelled at because you aren't at the dinner table, or wind up still looking around at 2am, it ain't my fault. I'm almost looking forward to the insomnia now, that is guiltness surfin' time,I wouldn't EVER run the vacuum at 2 or 3 am.
Woo-Hoo! More snow tomorrow, 6-9". Milk and OJ? Check. Popcorn? Check. Wine? Check. We're set :O)
January 10th:
-Positively Penguins Day
~Music is the art of thinking and speaking with sounds~
I'm adding one thing to your list for the snow you will be getting: Take pics of snow to send to Shirla. ;)
Shirla,you GOT 'em !
I'll admit this has nothing to do with today's topic, but this story is so weird, I can't help but post this, and its about a lobster who is 140 years old!! http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/28589278/?GT1=43001
Enjoy mom, and enjoy to everyone else who reads it!
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