Facebook is from de debbil.
How it Starts:
You sign up under a fake name to wish a niece "Happy Birthday" on her facebook.Your loving hubby, not knowing you are not interested in facebook, writes a drop-dead lovely sentiment on your wall. So you write back "I love You". And people who "friended" Steve, who know Steve and I from high school, know I am his wife even if I *did* write under a pseudonym, and "friend" me. And then it starts. I switch to my real name,- after all, everyone on certain aol boards knows my full name address, phone number, and the ice cream flavor most likely to succeed in bribing me. And then.......someone friends me. Whom I like. I friend her back, and look at her friends. And discover someone I abhor, whom I do not want to know my real name. Well, missy, THAT cat was out of the bag a few years ago, wasn't it?
I am from an age where you were warned about "THE INTERNET", and internet predators. Adults and children alike were regularly warned against revealing ourselves online [hence "user names" or "screen names" ] where it was considered the height of stupidity, to volunteer to give YOUR info out to make a collection to help out a board mate [which I have done repeatedly, whoopsie]
Now, my IRL [In Real Life] life and my online life are colliding at facebook.
My loopies here, my good online friends there, a child or two or three thrown into the mix. Then the games begin. Drinks here, food fights there, and now I have been tagged. I'm supposed to write 25 things you don't know about me [Here ya go: I dropped out of Mensa when the kids were babies 'cause I couldn't afford the dues, and I can drive a forklift. I think that might cover it all, since I've been bloggin'] and then TAG 25 MORE PEOPLE !!!!! A facebook meme! Hehehe, I can't handle wordless Wednesday around HERE,and now I'm supposed to deal with facebook memes? Not bloody likely!
I read 2 of my friends "25 Things" lists, and I don't think I can make lists like that, I speak in paragraphs,not sentences [oh,HUSH,don't be mean] [oh,something else you may not know: I live in the town I was born in, but the hospital I was born in, also in the same town, no longer exists!]
It gets you to thinking.... "Do I REALLY want to say this on X's wall, if child 1, 2, or 3 can see it? Am I allowed to write on the kids walls, or is that not cool? Do I WANT to be looking at the kids profiles, am I going to see something mama shouldn't see? Will they see something of mine THEY shouldn't see? What if your life doesn't measure up to everyone elses? Are you supposed to care? And,what if you make a friend request to someone you really like, and they ignore it,or never answer you? I just made my first friend request tonight, cause I'm a little leery of just that situation :X
I made a righteous attempt at the "25 Things" meme. Out of the blue, #10 was "Facebook is overwhelming me right now". That was a lightbulb moment for me. I have to decide how much facebook I want. I don't want to miss anything my friends are doing over there, or anything Steve or the kids want me to see, but I can't devote that much time to it, I have other things I'd rather do.
So, please feel free to friend me, and I'll return the favor.How is THIS for a facebook friendship,- if you want, you can start a food fight, and I'll let you win! Can't be a better friend than that :O)
[psssst,...the high school person that friended me first? I never thought she particularly liked me anyway, so I deleted her.She caused all this angst for me, and will never know :X]
~Always be sincere, even if you don't mean it. - Benny Hill ~
So what IS your favorite ice cream flavor? In case I ever need to bribe you? LOL I figure, even if I just stuck with my screen name, I am TronWife just about every freaking where on the net and after 10+ years, people know it's me. And as my 25 things proved, I'm pretty much an open book(or just realllly good at hiding my deep dark secrets anyway...lol), so what's not to know about me? But I agree, make it what you want...I have fun with some silly things(yes, I WILL fling food at you) and ignore others.
gail honey... if it was my friend request that sucked you into the black hole, i'm so sorry. it was an auto thing. and btw - i gave up mensa for a long time due to finances. it's one thing i pay with taxes, LOL! do you you're comfortable with, and no more... i've only just begun, and it overwhelms me too. {{{}}}
Hehehe Dawn...Strawberry !And,I don't think I HAVE 25 things!
Mitie,hon,you weren't the only one! Plus,at first,I thought that would be a lot of fun.But,if you don't HAVE 25 things to say,it becomes quite the challenge, lol :o) I LOVED your list,and that is where it occurred to me,I live in the town I was born in too! I LOVE that about me,that about says it all.
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