Oh,...and we are going to have a second look at the house we are interested in. On sat,the first time we saw it, the owner followed us around like a lonely puppy.The r.e agent wants us to walk away if we can't view it this time without the owner around. So, anything you had crossed, please keep it crossed. I'm sure your insurance will cover injuries due to crossing things for good luck for friends and/or relatives.If they claim they don't, you just tell them you know a pirate with an aluminum baseball bat ;o)
Go Me!!
Keri already knows her presence is expected the next time I make one lol!!
Bought McCormick chicken seasoning that worked really well on this bird, too.
I took a lot of flack over the years,from some friends and some relatives,for "making you [all three of you guys] do chores"...oh,they're only young once,oh,I have to do dishes anyway,yada-yada-yada.I always thought I was trying to raise self-sufficient adults,who could kick it up in the kitchen,but also laugh at a kitchen disasters. You do not know how happy it makes me,to see that you and Boo are more than capable of running your own homes.A dear friend,just yesterday,was talking about "talking to her ADULT son "about doing his own laundry".OMG.Really,WELL DONE,Stevie :O)
Hey could you visit here maybe this bunch would listen to a pirate
I hope to have two self-sufficient adults but isn't looking to good right now....shhhh yes I know I have years ahead of me but...
Is it just me, or from that angle, does the chicken appear to have been violated???
Bring 'em on Leah,I'll slap a Yarrrrrrrrrr or two on them! And....only you,Dawn,only you :o)
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