~“The Blog That Watches Back”~

Saturday, January 3

Couldn't think of a title.

Well, we went house huntin' today...we saw three homes. Honest to God, I don't know what some people are thinking. If you are trying to sell your home,do you REALLY want the viewers met by a pit bull? Or unable to walk around a room? Yuk.The good news is, we did see one home we are very interested in. Now we wait for the r.e agent to give us more specs, including the taxes. Not as much land as I wanted, but plenty of woods.

I got a lil surprize today, my Boo im'ed me with a link to her facebook,where she put a pic of Steve and me on Christmas day. I *think* it's the only time a pic of me appears on the net. I'm really careful, asking people whos' pics I have blogged here, if that is OK with them or not, and it appears to me, the younger you are the less you could care. I asked one sis if I could blog a pic of her, and she acted like I hit her butt with an electric prod, so I was guessing that was a no. I don't know how I feel about being on the net. I'm just who I am, but I'm not a teenager, or a young person anymore. I guess I have two views of myself, one when I can't see what I look like, only how I feel, and one where there's a pic in front of me :X

January 4th:

-World Hypnotism Day

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CaptainChaos! said...

Crap! I was hoping your visit to my humble commode merited mention.

Just passin' through.

PS I'm gonna try to cook the salmon some other time, putting it in the freezer for now.

Gail said...

Steve,your apartment is adorable,and I couldn't be happier for you :o) You pass on thru anytime honey.Cool beans on the salmon,but you cook that chicken!! You send me a pic when you're done and I'll blog it too :o)

toypartman said...

Stevie, your apartment is coming along nicely. I would make getting a "love" seat or sofa a priority though. Keep looking in Craigslist, something good, and cheap, should be available sometime soon. Keep up the good work, and next time tell Keri to stay.

Al said...

I guess I'm used to having my picture on facebook- I mean, thats kinda what its for. Three things you (and everyone who reads this, really) should know about facebook and pictures:
1) never ever put up a picture that you wouldn't show your parents. I think a lot of people my age don't consider the repercussions of posting themselves half naked or in the middle of drunken shenanigans. I however know better because ...
2) employers look at facebook. so I follow rule 1 very carefully, especially since I am facebook friends with several people from IBM, including my old boss, my boss's boss, and the two secretaries (one of whom harassed me yesterday because I made a comment on facebook about the zipper being broken on my jeans).
3) you always have the option on facebook to untag yourself from pictures. So although you are tagged right now mom, you can go remove that tag, or tell me to and I can remove it too. Likewise, you can tag yourself in pictures.

Ok that has been facebook pictures 101. I'm out.

Gail said...

:::Smooches:: Boo,G' mornin honey.I jut meant,this stuff was not around when I was your age,...you would look at your pic being in the newspaper and be shocked by it :o) However "hip" I am :o) :O) , there are still things that take me aback,yanno? And that was one.You'll have to give this old geezer time to get with it :o)hehehe,you said "shenanigans" :o)

Al said...

You know what did exist, however, when you were my age? Putting spaces after commas. ;-) Pwnt.

Gail said...

I am lmao Boo :o)Did I tell you,back in the stone age,they only had them typer-writer things? And that I wasn't a lady and never learned how to use one? I took shop instead of typing? :o) :O)