Gail: I think I'm having a reaction to the antibiotic I was prescribed. Here are my symptoms: [yada yada] [I can't breathe and my heart is pounding it's way out of my chest should have given him to know I was askeered]
Dr: Well, you can stop taking the antibiotic, maybe start taking them again next monday. How are your symptoms [of the sinus infection]?Gail: I'm feeling Much better....
Dr: OK, then stop taking the pills.
Gail: The Dr told me not to stop taking them,because it could create a superbug, and to contact the office right away if I had a problem. Do I need to take some thing else....... [thinking he could call it into CVS]
Dr: [picture a parrot speaking the only words it knows, over and over again]Nope, just stop taking them, and maybe start taking them again monday, ok?
Gail: Yeah, Sure. ~click~
EVER so erudite! Scholastic! and Helpful! I love my doc, but her support staff stinks so badly, my ass isn't big enough for them to all bite me.
BUT!!! Good news.I went [ok, I got shoved into talking to my supervisor by the other supervisor] about my hours. I can't travel 45-50 minutes one way for a part time m-f job, and that's the commute I'll be looking at when we find the house. I was telling the supervisor my dilemma, and he said, we don't want to lose you! You need full time? Cause you can do that right now, I'll set it up! Well, no not full time, lets' meet in the middle somewhere. So,I'll be working 3+ floating full days a week. YAY Team Gail, that is perfect! Then I was late getting home, everyone there wanted to know how it shook out for me. They tell me I miss all the gossip at lunch :O) Like I said, I might not have picked this job for myself,but it looks more and more like this job picked me. I just told Steve that, and he told me more than one person told him the same is true of buying a house, we won't pick it,it will pick us.Well, if that's the case, it must be siesta time in houseland :X But at least we're getting to see these places at their worst, I won't have any illusions about how the roads are maintained.When you live where we do,that becomes a Major consideration. [I added the Crazy 8-ball to the blog, and click it every time we look at a house. Haven't gotten a good answer yet, dammit]
And this,from that "Failed" site in my list of places I like to visit,over to the right. I swear, this belongs in my town: [and on my street, I have my doubts about that dumbass neighbor]
February 1st
-Serpents Day
~If nobody knows the troubles you've seen, then you don't live in a small town.~