~“The Blog That Watches Back”~

Sunday, April 19



One thing I love about about Sunday morning, is the newspaper. With a lovely big mug of coffee. And the leisure to enjoy them, without the running around that's necessary during the week. I always read the best-sellers list, to make sure I'm not missing the newest from a favorite author. And what should I see this morning, on the "How-To, Misc." list but a book titled " Look like a Woman, Think like a Man". Holy Mary,Mother of God, WTH????? That stopped me right in my tracks, I had to re-read it to make sure I wasn't mistaken. And I wasn't.

I am 48. I was a kid when Billy Jean King and Bobby Riggs faced off, supposedly to determine if men were better than women, or visa-versa. In high school, and in college, during visits to Washington D.C, one of the most popular touristy T-shirts was "A womans place is in the house....and the Senate". Plus, I'm number 6 of 8 kids, born to older parents who thought the sun rose and set on the boys, and the girls...well, we could do the dishes. So, I am no stranger to this type of misogynist drivel, but I thought it became extinct, or was surely on it's way. Then I saw the title of that book.

I already look like a woman. I love girly-girl stuff, right down to my pink sneakers, and I make no bones about it, that is who I am. I would like to know, what in the HELL is wrong with thinking like a woman? I am not kidding, Steve and my kids have told me I have more balls than some men they know. If a man is being described, it's called strength. Or Doing the right thing. Or standing up for yourself. Describe a woman, and she has balls. And I am not a womans' libber, either. I think I'm right in the middle, where most women are.

Now don't get me wrong, I love men, hell, I married one :X I tease my men all the time about their foibles, and my men are wise enough not to mention mine. Men and women are just Different. For too many years, maybe even still, it's considered un-pc to say that, but it's true. Men aren't held hostage to their bodies the way women are, and we have different perspectives, that's all. It doesn't mean a woman has to be subservient to a man. That's being a child, not a partner or a mate. I am Steves' equal, what's that old phrase? I walk beside him, not behind him? Except when I'm afraid, then I hide behind him. Or when he pisses me off,then I'm in front of him shaking a finger in his face, hehehe.

I actually had another blogger, in all earnestness and apparent honesty, explain to me in exquisite detail why she couldn't read my blog....because I wasn't Christian enough. *Her* idea of Christianity is to be subservient to her husband, no matter what. He rules the house, she Yessirs him, and that's that. I was stunned and hurt, and I wondered what Stepford Wives handbook she took THAT bullshit out of. I wondered if her husband feels the need to have someone to lean on every once in a while, where does HE go? Who does he talk to about decisions concerning their family? Maybe I'm just a stupid woman, but I can't imagine having to be the leader, the strong one, all the time. I certainly don't know where I'd bury the brain or the heart God gave me, if I couldn't speak my piece. And, unless I agreed with him, if I ever "Yessir'ed" Steve, he'd die laughing. So there's one book on the bestsellers list I won't bother putting a hold on at the library. I guess I'll go do a search for a book on how to train my men to leave the lid down. And I hope that dumb ass author gets his 15 minutes of fame and goes back to his day job.

April 19th:
-National Hanging Out Day

~Women's Rule of Thumb:
If it has tires or testicles, you're going to have trouble with it.

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Sarah said...

No no no, i don't tink you rook rike a woman... ooooh, you so sirry! You rook... rooka rika man, yuhhh.

Sarah said...

by the way, this is tina, lol... this is my sneaky mail account.

Gail said...

Tina! MY shy litle flower! Im so happy to see you commenting again :o) And,I knew it was you right away,your accent gave you way,I tell you everyting,yuh. And I just coughed coffee all over the place cause of you :O)