Loved it, the you tube of the moment. You can watch the whole thing,instead of a blurb on the morning news:
I don't know if you've ever moved. Even if you haven't, you can pretty much guess what it's like. We've been here 19 years, and I am in the process of preparing to move. So that you can see how organized and efficient I am, I figured I'd bloggie about the actions I've taken thus far:
-Practiced for more than an hour every day.
-Played with my plants, the african violets are blooming like crazy
-Developed a whole new appreciation for the video game MegaBomberMan. [sega genesis platform, old school style]
-Been online with my loopies, and at Pogo.
-Read 2 really good books, and one so-so book.
-Took down my wall art from the kitchen, cleaned it, put it on my diningroom chair. And I have to move it every night at dinner time.
-Cried some. Not big boo-hoos, just a slow leak.
Do you see the words box, bubble wrap, or tape anywhere there? No? Well, neither do I. Now,THAT is talent. Oh, wait, no it's not. It's Denial.
I believe in my profile, I mentioned that there are 3 aol message boards that I have posted to for more than ten years. On one of them..Kitchen Frugality....... we had a disturbing occurrence this morning. Someone posted a list of some of the members of kf [I was on the list] and used their real names and home addresses. The user name, upon a google search,revealed that the poster is a long term, what word am I looking for? Not troll, they don't go this far, there is a line even a damn troll won't cross. Psycho? Shithead? Freak?
I was shocked....not so much disturbed, as everyone on that board knows my real name and addy. Some of us take turns,when a member needs support, collecting donations for a gift , or cards, from all the board members, and then send them on to the recipient, and I've done that. Some people, though,were freaked out, cause they had NO IDEA how that poster got their real identity. Some of the info was out of date, or inaccurate, but for the most part, accurate.
It's given me a lot of food for thought today.When we first got on the net, OMG, it was anathema to give your real name, let alone your address. Over the past 11 years, I have made very close friends who have not only my home address, but my phone and cell phone numbers, and their own ring tones. And one friend met online, an attorney, became the closing attorney for the Love Shack,THAT is a close trusted friend. So the line between the off line and online personas has blurred so much in some cases, as to be non-existant. I can't imagine how someone with a professional profile online can maintain any anonimity. And you know what made me laugh right out loud, and got me some funny looks at work? Here I sit, with my bloggie. If you read here at all, you know so much about me, from when I have cramps to what I sound like at 3:05am when I post while suffering from insomnia! You know where my chocolate stash is,and that the vacuum and I hate each other....and the refrigerator is out to get me. Poor Steve, you know the man can't put away the shaving cream to save his soul from the debbil! You've met my Cello teacher, my Mentors, my Friends, my Children, you've seen The Love Shack hehehe ! And some of my poor boardmates are fashed about their names and addresses bring online! I do feel for them, I remember when I decided to do the collecting for the first time,realizing what I was putting out there. But I believed then, and still believe, that it needed to be done and I was just the woman to do it.
I have to wonder about the person who posted that info on the board though. I have said, I grew up hard. I wonder how hard that person must have grown up, to be so warped, so unconcerned about other peoples feelings, that they could stoop that low. But *I* am not going to allow a freak to change me.
[It's 5:30 pm on Friday as I write this. It's 70 degrees, and I can see daffodils, budding trees, and bugs flying around outside. Spring has sprung! ]
April 17th
-Ford Mustang Day
-BlahBlahBlah Day
~When I'm holding all the cards, why does everyone else turn out to be playing chess?~
wth? gail, email me at whatever email addy you have please.
Done Mittie,I hope everything is OK
I should come visit and pack you up. Last 2 times we moved from the time we got our ok to move into a new house till we moved was less than 2 weeks. I can pack my entire house up in just a few days and get it unpacked in the new one in less Of course, I have an advantage of having moved consistantly for 33 The longest I've ever lived in one house was the first place we lived here in WA and that was 6 years. In 15 years, Bill and I have lived in 7 houses(plus me in TN while he was in FL enroute to here).
:::Lets try that again::::
Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwnnnnnnnnnnnnn, come to meeeeeeeeeeeee,hehehe.Steve just told me he took the last week of May off, for the "final push". I'm hoping we don't HAVE a final push,if we close soon,we'll have plenty of time.Just not a lot of nerves left :X
April 19, 2009 11:46 AM
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