~“The Blog That Watches Back”~

Friday, April 24

Oh, my achin' checkbook

A lil update. First,we are right on track...........for a May 15th closing, evidently the seller is determined to do it on their schedule, regardless of what that costs us. Oh well. We just found out we need a survey, to the tune of 795$. It's to the point where,every time we get another unexpected expense,we think we look like deer in the headlights,yanno? When we went to the credit union,we explained that we were rank newbies to this, and wanted the worst-most-expensive -case house buying scenario laid out for us...if EVERYTHING listed went wrong,then we should break even,right? OMG, there have been a few Doozies that weren't on the worksheet she gave us,we just laugh a lot about it. Also,we getting confused about which accounts are used for what things.....I have a checking account that Steve can write on,and Steve has a checking account that I can write on...we can both write checks off of each others accounts, but this way I won't subject him to my most excellent math skills :X Plus a joint saving account.That's Here.Now, where we're moving to, I have a checking he can use, and we have a joint savings,but we have to get Steve a checking account.So........Show me the money! Lets try and figure out which account the credit union will take the funds from, for the appraisal,the credit check,and the new checks-that-have-to-be-replaced-as-soon-as-we-move-dammit. Lets balance WHICH account? Where do we put Gails paycheck? Oh, it's like "Who's on Third" the Abbot and Costello skit.

OH! And you KNOW what the hell I came in here to rant about? I have never had a dishwasher, and lo and behold,I'm about to git me one. So,what should appear in my local paper-those-bastids-must-know-I'm-getting-one?

[g-rated,a link to the story]


and the upshot? Now I will be killing my family with pollution if I get a dishwasher? WTH?????? A LOT of my friends have told me,the hell with it,they love theirs and won't give them up.And there IS a window right by the dishwasher in the Love Shack.......

Today , a guy Steve worked with told him,we need to get a bottle of really good champagne,and a loaf of the best bread we can find,and sit on the floor in the Love Shack and eat and drink,to bless the place.I think that is the nicest thing I have heard, and that is just what we'll do. Whenever we can close.Which looks,right now, that it might be next year sometime :X

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