~“The Blog That Watches Back”~

Wednesday, February 4

----->NOT yo' Mamas' Heloise<------

Gails' Helpful tip # 1247: How NOT to save time.

Do not get into having hi-test [caffeinated cocoa] in your travel mug every morning,THAT is mistake one.Two...Don't do the breakfast dishes and make the kitchen tidy BEFORE you make the cocoa. Three...don't pour the boiling water into the powder into the mug, and decide HEY! I don't want to dirty a spoon, so I will close the lid to my travel mug and shake it a bit, to mix the water and cocoa together.Do you know what happens,when you shake your travel mug, with boiling water in it? An explosion, with cocoa coming out of NO where. PPFFFFFFFFFT! So quick at first you're not sure what happened. Splattering All over the sink. The magnetic knife holders. The kitchen cabinets. The floor. AND yourself. QUICK ! Wipe it up, and get your ass out the door, STILL wondering what in the hell just happened. When you come home, you will go to play with the plants on the kitchen window sill, and discover they too took a cocoa bath. Along with the basement door, now that the cocoa has dried, it looks like an abattoir in there. Somehow I don't think Heloise ever covered this stuff in her column, "Nuclear Explosions and You", "Kitchen Bombs for Fun". Hey, at least this should get me out of the laundry today.

I have been having quite a time on the job this week,and I really don't know what to do. I am a part timer,and I WANT to keep it that way. I told you how, when we move, [which is "somewhere" in the future, we are actively looking at homes,but nada yet.] I was already approved for a 3 day, full day week? WEll. Now the owner says he is cutting hours....but he wants ME in m-t-w-f FULL days, and a half day on friday? HELLO!!! Anyone home? So I talked to a supervisor today, and wondered if the owner forgot I was a part timer, and THAT'S why the burr in his saddle about my hours. It turns out that anything under 40 hours is part time there. I always thought part time was above 16 to under 30 hours/week, and we'd pretty much decided, at the git-go, how many hours I'd work. I have really been upset about this. I like everyone I work with, and it turns out I'm pretty damn good at the job, but I am old enough to know my own mind, and what my priorities are. And they are my Family and my Home. Nothing comes before them. So, Steve and I agree,....I'll keep working my regular hours for now, and revisit this when we actually move, maybe something will have changed by then. If the owner is dead set for me working those hours, I'll have to find another job. I have to say, I DREAD that. It's taking a little of the shine off of house hunting for me.

February 4th:
-Liberace Day

February 5th:
-Disaster Day

~Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I had to kill because they pissed me off.~

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tech2tech2day said...

Good Morning, Gail. I am sorry to hear that things aren't as you expected on the job. When business owners find good employees, they usually try to keep them, not browbeat them.

Gail said...

Hi,Nin :O)Miss you.

CaptainChaos! said...

I thought everything was ok with the job? The boss lost his mind?!

Gail said...

Hi honey :O) He just wants to almost double my hours, and I called bullshit on that. He [and the two supervisors] keep pushing it,but I say nichter.