It turns out this pic was taken to Photoshop, and had a pencil sketch process used on it [I have the baby of Photoshop.....Photoshop Elements,...and I'll go look and see if it has that option.] This pic just spoke to me, I Loved it [and not just because that's my baby there, I'm not prejudiced oh, no ]
Well, ain't THAT a kick in the head! I wanted to try the technique used on the above pic, and discovered a slew of editing options in photoshop elements.Unfortunately, I don't use P.E enough to be conversant with it:
2:00 pm: Get an idea to import a pic to P.E, and use the same technique on it...how hard can it be? [snort]
2:01 pm: Hi, Stevie,how are ya? Laundry time! Get my load out of the dryer quick.
2:10 pm: Let oil guy into the basement to bleed the system, so he can re-start it. Being on the Budget plan means NOT running out of heating oil. We've only been with this company for 19 years, it's probably our fault.The Bastids.
2:15 pm: Oh,yeah, P.E! Find a pic!
2:17 pm: AHA! Found it! [it gets worse from here, finding it was the easy part. I cheated. I posted the pic to an aol message board a few weeks ago, and apparently I haven't lost my mind yet.]
2:21 pm: Try to import image to P.E.
2:31 pm: Take cell phone pics of Tony and Stevie laughing at a stupid video, and get sidetracked, wondering how much I can get them to pay me NOT to blog those pics.
2:41 pm: Still trying to figure out how to import the damn pic to P.E. Where the hell is the EASY button?
2:55 pm: talk to loopies about stock pots.You know, my biggest pot is 16 qts, that is one Big pot. Oh,wait...import image to P.E. HOW ????
3:05 pm: Coffee! Yes!!!!
3:06 pm: How the hell did I do this last time?
3:13 pm: YEAH! Drag and drop baby, that's it!!!
3:14 pm: resize the photo
3:15 pm: ah, here we go.Wait, what? that looks NOTHING like Reginas' pic! And WHY, when I click on a technique, does the photo revert to original size? I saved the resized photo, what the Hell??? Realize nothing I am doing is saving the correct photo size. Damn.
3:31 pm: Go start a game of Mahjong at Pogo.
3:32 pm: Txt Steve with a stupid thing to make him laugh.Hope he has the sense not to let anyone see it :X
3:33 pm: 333, isn't that the sign of de debbil? No,wait,that's 666.Which it will be before I figure this damn thing out.
4:01 pm: I figured out the layer thingie, but not the actual technique that Regina used.
4:20 pm: Gimme a break, gim-me a break, break me off a piece of that KIT KAT bar!
5:01pm: Where's the damn remote?
5:21pm: Just for kicks, Google "Photoshop elements,how to import a pic"
5:22 pm: ::::Head smack::::
5:24 pm: Give up, and start a bloggie
It takes a LOT of hard work to be this clueless, I will have you know. I can deny it all I want....when it comes to computer operations, I'm your gal. Anything to do with pics, or the manipulation thereof? Not so much.
February 28th:
-Happy Birthday Mnon!!
-National Kazoo Day
- Clash Day
- Rattle Snake Round-Up Day
[IMPORTANT: This blog is intended for the use of DISH readers, real and imaginary. It may contain information that is confidential, privileged or unsuitable for overly sensitive persons with low self-esteem, no sense of humor, too-tight undies, or a sensitivity to swearing. Also may contain things that should not be blogged, especially on Wordless Wednesdays,where the author appears to be hell-bent on including as many words as possible. If you are not the intended recipient, any dissemination, distribution, copying, faxing, or smoke-signaling of this blog is not authorized (either explicitly or implicitly) and constitutes an irritating social faux pas. No animals were harmed in the transmission of this blog, although the mutt next door is living on borrowed time, let me tell you.]
[psssssssssssssssst,...........Stevie...............GOTCHA :O)
the moon... beautiful
the sun... even more beautiful
oooh yeah
ooooh yeahhhhhhhhhhhh
Hehehe,Stevie,I can't believe you guys think that video is so funny.And please thank Regina for me :o)
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