~“The Blog That Watches Back”~

Sunday, February 8

A Caveat.

Not really an entry tonight,but a caveat.

Lets say, you or your child are sick. You go to the Dr, who prescribes an antibiotic. QUICK!!! Was that a narrow spectrum one, a medium spectrum, or a broad-spectrum one? Were you aware there are all 3 out there? Not moi, I thought that's what Drs were for. I was WRONG. Please, please listen to me. Do NOT EVER NEVER take a broad spectrum antibiotic unless your Dr says it is the only thing that will work. Ask for a medium spectrum, BEG for a narrow spectrum if it will kill what ails ye. But for GODS SAKE,do not blithly bounce into the Dr's office, and get and fill a scrip,without knowing. Like I did. *I* did not know I needed a ph-friggin-d to GO to the dr. I had NO idea what I was doing, I never had a problem, the few times in my life, that I needed an antibiotic. I am educated now, but my education came from the School of Hard Knocks.

If Dr says,the broad spectrum is the only thing, then take the time to google [or call me or e-mail me] and find out what you should be doing when you take a broad-spectrum.No guarantee of a better outcome,but much better odds. I saw a p.a, when I got the broad spec., not even my doctor, and I am so pissed, I just can't tell you. I see my dr tomorrow,and I will FIND the words to tell her.

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CaptainChaos! said...

Jesus! Dr. Nick really screwed that one up, didn't he?

Gail said...

Ah,Stevie,up one day and down the next.This is PLAYED.