What a great day! It started out REALLY rocky, I was pleasantly surprized. My kick ass me is coming back, I missed her a lot. I think that's another thing I don't like about getting older, if you get sick, you stay sick longer than when you were a kid, and it takes longer for your "get up and go" to come back.
It was a really nice day at work. The owner who's applying all the pressure for me to do what he wants [he don't know me very well,do he?] wasn't around, so everyone was happy. BUT...I canNOT tell you how depressing it is to listen to country western music all day. I'm not kidding, they're breaking up, or dyin young, doin a two-step with a four-flusher, or talking about the-rockin-chair-Daddy-made-with-his-own-hands-got-broken-in-the-hurricane-just-like-Daddy-did-when-mama-died. OMG. Now,*I* am one to talk, there have been fridays where I supplied the music for the whole day, and I'm sure the country fans didn't like outkast, kings of leon, or Rostropovich. Speaking of which...whenever I burn a cd for work, I always try to have a little bit of everything in there, from opera to classical to hard rock, heavy metal, I figure you can stand ANY music if you're not listening to the same genre that you hate all day, right? So, on this last cd, I included what I think is a drop dead lovely [and very well-known]operatic duet, from Lakme. The Flower Song:
[you can slide the bar over to 1:22,to get to the most famous part, you all know this one]
One of the older guys I work with walks over to me, and asks "Who the fuck put that fuckin' piece of shit on there this morning " in the gruff insulting way you can imagine those words were spoken in. I stood up slowly and told him *I* burned the fuckin cd, and *I* chose that fuckin number, who the fuck wants to know? Hehehe, and then he says, I just wanted to know what opera that came from. Don't curse at ME like a sailor and expect the delicate flower of womanhood to respond. You shoulda seen his face. It's amazing, when people swear like that, they NEVER realize it until someone swears back at them.And I'm just the delicate flower of womanhood to do it. Right after the Flower song came "The Logical Song" by Supertramp:
[Steves idea] so I was suddenly on the right side of the musical blanket again.
One of those blog quiz thingies...
And I am:
-You Are Mac and Cheese
This is SO true, I believe mac and cheese ought to be in it's own food group :O)
February 7th:
-Mobius Award Day
-Wave ALL your Fingers at Your Neighbor Day [they never met my dumbass neighbor now,did they?]
~Money may not buy happiness, but it sure makes misery much easier to live with.~
Mac & Cheese here too.
why doesn't it surprise me that i'm mac and cheese too?
Wave all your fingers sounds suspeciously like jazz hands to me.
You need to do your legendary Mac and Cheese casserole soon. preferably a) a night when I'm home, and b) can pilfer some (all) of the leftovers for future cosumption
Stevie,how did I know you would turn this around to mac n cheese :o) Soon,I'll make it soon :o)
I'm here and there's food involved... all ya need to know, Ma. Har Har
See you Tuesday!
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