What I'm listening to right now, it's hard to sit still:
The Scrubs version,in case Boo has nothing better to do and pops in:
I can't STAND listening to country western music ALL day at work. I thought, there HAS to be something, ANYthing that will back me up. So I went a -huntin, and found an absolutely hysterical award.The IG Nobel Prize.
[get it? ignoble? hehehe, I didn't the first few times, I was too busy laughing]
This definition from Wikipedia:
"The Ig Nobel Prizes are a parody of the Nobel Prizes and are given each year in early October for ten achievements that "first make people laugh, and then make them think." Organized by the scientific humor magazine Annals of Improbable Research (AIR), they are presented by a group that includes genuine Nobel Laureates at a ceremony at Harvard University's Sanders Theater."
Basically,these awards are given for research, um, out side the lines of the regular scientific community,and it must have a humorous bent. How did I stumble on these? I'm sure I see them on the news every year, but they fly beneath my radar. Until this:
The Award-wining topic, in medicine,in 2004? "The effect of Country-Western Music on Suicide", by Steven Stack.
-"The results of a multiple regression analysis of 49 metropolitan areas show that the greater the airtime devoted to country music, the greater the whole suicide rate.The effect is independent of divorce, southernness, poverty, and hand guns."
HOW in the hell did they think that one up, and where do I send my resume?
Other notable winners?
-Biology(2004) "Herring apparently communicate by farting."
-Interdisciplinary Research(2003) "Chickens Prefer beautiful humans"
-Agricultural History(2005)The significance of Mr Richard Buckleys Exploding Trousers"
-Physics(2003)"An Analysis of the Forces required to Drag sheep over Various Surfaces"
9-Read in the Bathtub Day
~Why do you press harder on a remote-control when you know the battery is dead?~
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