WOW. [g-rated, newslink]
When Carter was president, I had zero respect for him. I felt, you cannot take the highest office in the nation, and be the commander-in-chief of our armed forces, if you are a pacifist. It's like those asshat pharmacists who think they get to determine what medications they dispense, they think some are morally wrong and don't want to dispense them. You KNEW the job parameters when you took the job, your job or leave. I personally am NOT a pacifist, if you threaten one of mine you will have trouble. Thus the aluminum baseball bat and the shotgun. I have to say, for a man who spent 60 years with his religion, to leave it over the treatment of women is shocking and awesome and lovely, and I am grateful. And proud, if that is possible. There isn't a religion I feel comfortable in my own skin in, for the very issues Mr Carter has enumerated. I do NOT believe, for one SECOND, that God gave me a brain and a heart, and expects me to subjugate them to someone else, and I have NEVER been able to do that. Leading by training, intelligence, charisma, age or status, that's one thing. Lead only because you have physical, not metaphysical or existential, balls? I think not. And it appears that maybe Mr Carter isn't the pacifist I thought he was, that's a strong stance to take against a religion you have held in your heart for as many years as he has.
I have an update!! I found not only the camera cord, but both my shuffles and the charger for the Nano! I have a few tech bags, full of misc. peripherals to go with puters, phones, cameras, ect. The wire bag.....I thought, now, almost ALL the time when I practice Ruby, I am listening to the nano or a shuffle and playing along with it, so WHY NOT leave the shuffles and cords in the music room [3rd bedroom without a bed yet] ??? And the camera cable was the shuffles' hostage to fortune, where they go it goes. YAY !! I can't STAND when I get such brilliant ideas that I screw myself over,hehehe. I prefer to think of it like that, instead of thinking GOD what an ass am I.The pics are at Facebook if you wanna look.
Oh. Another update.
Am I getting the hang of the dishwasher thing.
Oh yes.
LET Boo laugh at me because I still have to refer to the owners manual to load the damn thing.
Steve insists, rinse all the dishes during the day, put em in there, and we run it at night. I say, hon I don't HAVE that much silverware. So, we went out yesterday, and he insisted on buying lots of silverware. TRUE Love :o)
Also, I can't seem to stop speeding. I'm never aggressive, or mean spirited behind the wheel, but if I can pass someone doing 40 is a 55, well, I do it! When a sign says "use two lanes" I am OUT in that left lane :O) I beat Steve home today. I met him at the door and he was just looking at his watch and shaking his head,..and his finger, at me. "Looooooooocy, whatchu DOIN'"?? Whoopsie!
Another update. Found nano cord. Lost nano. Just SHIT, I can't wait for this to stop :X
You know THAT was what I wanted to say. I was talking to a dear friend, a military wife, asking her about moving, and she made it sound so simple. I wanted to DIE. But, I realized, it's not the physical move that did, or is doing me, in. It's the translating............these houses are so different. You can't take all my kitchen stuff from the old place and put it in the new, it won't fit. But I gobs of space for books! Translating our old house into our Love Shack, now THAT is quite the chore. Don't tell anyone, but I'm still not done unpacking, and odds are I won't be for quite a while.
20th: Ugly Truck Contest Day
21st: National Tug-of-War Tournament Day
22nd: Rat catcher's Day
- Worlds oldest restaurant: Ma Yo Chings' Bucket Chicken House. It opened in China in 1153.
-Jesse James' nickname was "Dingus".
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