~“The Blog That Watches Back”~

Friday, July 17

Faux Closets

O-M-G!!! I have blogged this,.....I told you this was true months ago......and now have proof that it is TRUE! Swearing mitigates pain!!! A link:


I have told you, the string of curses I can produce,......hell, my whole family replied to the bloggie about it too. If I am pissed or hurt, I can swear, well...like a pirate! HERE is proof that it actually helps. You heard it here first,- swear your ass off the next time something falls on your foot, and blame it on me :o)

What a GREAT day! I got so much done....not so much the unpacking, -Steve and I will hang all my toys up in the kitchen this weekend, and finally I'll be able to organize that puppy. STILL no camera cable, so I'll take cell pics and bloggie them, when we're done. But I got my first round of baking in the Shack under my belt YAY Gail! A family favorite, pumpkin bread. But WHOOPSIE, I could only find 2 loaf pans, and I make 4 loaves at a time. What to do? Well, I *did* find 5 round cake pans. So I made 4 pumpkin cakes. I was worried about the translation, a quick bread recipe is quite different than a cake recipe, so I lowered the oven and just kept testing em. When they were cooled....one just did NOT look done in the middle. So I got this idea, to use my biggest biscuit cutter and cut the center out...making people think I did it on purpose, instead of screwed it up. [Who, ME have a kitchen mishap? hehehe] Well, it WAS done. This is when Tony walked in the kitchen, and saw this perfect little pumpkin cake....the center I'd cut...so I lost that pissing contest on the spot. And I have 3 rounds in the freezer. I MISS baking and cooking and general fooling around in the kitchen, if Steve would get up off his ASS and hit the lotto, I could be a SAHW, and have fun all day !!

Our electricals are done for now, round one is over. That was, the main cable outside the house, installing an emergency shut off in the panel, we had none, upgrading to 200 amp service, and getting a bigger breaker box, for future upgrades. A LOT of simoleons. The upgrades we've done so far aren't eye candy, but we're thrilled, and the eye candy will come...someday it will come.

Speaking of eye candy-vs-necessary repairs....listen carefully. I am about to give you a MAHVELOUS tip, for any time YOU are house hunting. You would assume,would you not, that a closet in your home will have the capacity to hold a friggin HANGER ? As in a standard-no-frills-except-there-are-a-lot-of-different-colored-ones hangers? Well, hahaha on us. The closet in the foyer will NOT hold a hanger! The depth of the closet is not sufficient to let a hanger sit on the rod!!! I thought we would bust a gut laughing at that, only us, only the Love Shack, would have a faux closet. We'll need to see if kiddie hangers will work. So, Take a Hanger with you when you're looking, and hang that puppy up in ALL the closets :o) Your PSA for the day :O)

18th: Cow Appreciation Day
20th: National "Get out of the DogHouse" day

Something new! I love trivia. Always did, but didn't realize it until a few years ago.We host family gatherings, and one of my sisters brought us a "Bathroom Reader" :


as a hostess gift. I can count on the fingers of both hands the books that the 5 of us have shared, we have massively different tastes. The readers are one of them.THey are dearly loved here. So, instead of a smart-ass line here [I can always get them from Steve or the kids] I'll give you some trivia from the Reader.You can thank my sister Lynn :O) This was on the page I read last:
~In Shakespeare's time, mattresses were secured on bed frames by ropes. When you pulled on the ropes the mattress tightened, making the bed firmer to sleep on. That's where the phrase 'goodnight, sleep tight' came from.~

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toypartman said...

This is what I meant: I always thought the quote "Goodnight, sleep tight" was meant for the virgins! OOOOHHHH, I got a million of them.

Gail said...

Oh,funny funny Man :o)