Well,I don't know if I will paint the cabinets a different color...probably I will, a warmer brown with more red in it to go with the dining room table.......but we HAVE to get a new counter top for it, dark blue just doesn't tone with the green walls here. And change out the doors on the left hand one. When we get THAT done, then I can organize. YAY [ I think]
Just a bit overwhelmed......But in The Shack, that's cool, it will come right in a few weeks. I LOVED LOVED LOVED last night....sitting on the couch at dusk, talking to my friends, and Steve was outside mowing. OUR lawn. And the sweet smell of cut grass came in, and I don't think that snapshot will ever leave my head, from what I was wearing to the smell of the grass and the lowly-lit room. YAY!
I also did a bad thing. I broke down and ordered sandals online today. I have looked in EVERY store [and if you have a clue where I am and where I came from, you know that to be a considerable amount of stores] around, and couldn't find them. A basic toe-loop sandal, with a strap over the foot, and NO backstrap or ankle strap.......just a slip on [sometimes a broads' gotta move FAST, hehehe, and I don't like to fuss with a strap] There were NO leopard print to be found, NONE. I was going to blog and show you what I got,but I think discretion is the better part of valor. I need to show Steve first, and let him have his palpitations. THEN I'll show you what I found. And I'll make damn sure there's no teriyaki anywhere NEAR these puppies, they ought to come in a gold box :X
So much celebrity death this week. Poor Ed and Farrah, we knew they were suffering and their time was limited. Michael? I guess, by looking at him, what happened to him was a boatload of drug[s]. LOOK at the incredible gifts God gave Michael. A talented musician, but his dancing. O-M-G, I remember exactly where I was, and who I was with the first time I saw Thriller, when it premiered on MTV. WOW. And he took these incredible gifts.....and threw them away. Threw them AWAY.
Stunning and depressing.
26th-National Chocolate Pudding Day
28th:-Paul Bunyan Day
~Pray to God but row for the shore. -Russian proverb~
-Ed McMahon
-Farrah Faucett
-Michael Jackson
We're finally done baby! Now all our energies can be concentrated on our own house. It was worth every damned second.
My lists:
Honey-Do,Honey-Do, Honey-Do! Love you Honey! :o)
I have extra shelves in my laundry room just for my over sized cooking equipment, doing it that way freeded up much wanted and needed kitchen spaces for me.
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