~“The Blog That Watches Back”~

Friday, June 5

Aliens and little green apples

Aw, crap. I blogged the best photo I ever took, of my favorite bush at the Shack. I could NOT identify that sucker,and I have some experience with plants. So, I turned to my friends, and asked for help.The answer comes from Jacky [TYVM Jacky!] Now, I KNEW this was an indigenous plant. So why am I so surprized at what I have? [And Jacky is L her A off at me,...with good reason I guess :O)]


I have an ALIEN!! You knew, if ANYone would pop with an alien in the yard, it would have to be your Gail, and at The Shack no less. Hehehe. The joys of ownership. I will reign it in, but I am keeping it, I LOVE that sucker!

Today, Tony is applying for a job a lot closer to The Shack [cross em please, this is RIGHT up his alley] I had applied to, and got a job at, the same place. But I turned it down, it wasn't my cup of tea. Tony BELONGS there. So last night, I was telling him about my experience with the interview there. And, how, as I was pulling out of the lot, I passed the employee break area.......ALL of them were under 30. And here comes me, this graying 48 yr old in a Moutaineer with Cow seat covers.....hey, I am only cool in my own head, I don't even make the Attempt to appear cool to anyone else. I told Tony,..I had all the windows open, OutKast started playing:


and the kids who looked at me looked like they saw a martian. [ An ALIEN, if you will] My SON Tony......yes, honestly, one of MY kids...... says...you know Ma, you, in your own way, are very cool". So we do not KNOW in "WHAT WAY" I can be cool, but hot DAMN, one of my kids said that I am cool [in some way yet to be determined.] Woo-Hoo!!! And I'll believe that until the next time I look in the mirror and see myself ;o)

I read stories about family life a lot, I'm always interested in seeing how other families operate. I read an article today about "Octomom"...you know, the moron who, being on welfare and having 6 kids already, decided she HAD to have one more baby, so it's NOT her fault she wound up with 8 tiny little babies. I guess she's worse at math than I am, cause even *I* can figure out she didn't have a snowballs chance in hell of supporting even ONE more baby, let alone 8 more. I've heard some pretty moronic things out of her mouth since she hit the headlines, but NOW, in a stunning twist of irony, she is comdemning Jon and Kate [Jon and Kate plus 8, a reality show about a family with multiple births]. I had to laugh my ass off, talk about the pot calling the kettle black!
I don't watch the Jon and Kate show. I think what they do to those poor kids is bordering on abuse, NO kid needs a camera in their face like that. So I will not support the show. But Octomom. She takes the friggin cake. Here's the article, I won't bore you by repeating the salient points:



I have an opinion about her. I think she is dingbat nuts, manipulative, nasty, and stupid. SHE thinks she can do a reality show about HER kids and not hurt them anymore than she already has? I think, in lieu of having all those kids taken away from her, that court appointed guardians ought to live in the home

[I know what you're gonna say,.....Gail that will cost $$$... and you would be right. But she will be on public assistance, and you KNOW CPS will be called on her on a regular basis, so I see it more as cutting out the middle men. And if it protects the health and welfare of those kids from that nasty attention-seeking bitch, then I am all for it]

to protect those babies. I have mentioned, maybe my upbringing wasn't the best. And maybe that is why I feel SO strongly about babies and kids being protected. I may have been a bit overprotective as a parent as a result of it. It hurts my heart to see that dumbass, alone, with all those kids her hostages to fortune. Maybe if she stopped getting her frickin' lips injected long enough to take some parenting classes, those kids would have a better shot at a normal life. It strains my ability to be a good person, to always try to see the other side of an issue, to support other parents,- hell, once you're a parent, you have to look out for other parents .........when faced with such dicketry as this. And the smarter and more superior she tries to act, the worse I hate her. I think ANYone who signs her up for reality TV ought to be held responsible for the consequences of that, because as sure as God made little green apples [and Alien flowering invasive bushes] there will be consequences. And it will be the littlest ones who have to pay those consequences.

June 5th:
-Festival Of Popular Delusions Day

~Alcohol and calculus don't mix - PLEASE don't drink and derive !~

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