~“The Blog That Watches Back”~

Thursday, June 11

Almost There

I don't know how other familys' handle this but...in this crew, when you got your Social Security card, you were usually too young to have a filing cabinet, or ANY filing system at all. Mom got your card and held onto it until you moved our or requested it. If you wanted to hold onto the card and you lost it [as kids are wont to do] then tough crap. I figured, one go-round with a governmental institution trying to get a replacement card would cure them of carelessness for Life. I didn't raise any dummies, I had all the S.S cards until the kids in question established their own digs.

Except for Tony. At 19, an adult, but not sure of his path yet, so we get to hold on to him for a while longer.

Tony had a job opportunity today...all he had to do was pass a drug test and prove he was able to work in the U.S. Which means he had to pee in a cup and present his drivers license,......and the dreaded S.S card. When Tony got his license HE decided he was old enough to take care of the S.S card. Until today. When he was ready to leave to pee in that cup, and came to ME and asked me for his S.S card. Which HE had. And so, we ripped apart the things that are left here,........ no S.S card. DAMMIT!! I tell him, go take the pee test, and I'll go to the Shack and see if it's in your stuff there. He SWORE it couldn't be. Yeah, ok. The second he left, I went thru his papers Here. And found both his S.S card AND his birth certificate. I was REALLY steamed, but I called him and told him to stall them, I was on my way. 45 minutes one way. With the damn card he said he did not have. Got thru security at the place, tracked Tony down, and then.....the look Tony gave me.....like God opened the heavens up or the Cavalry really DID arrive...........HOW could I be steamed at that? Gratitude trumps Anger EVERY time. And it made my heart happy. The upshot? He GOT the job, and I am hoarse from singing along with the stereo for an hour and a half, hehehe, I LOVE being alone in a vehicle and blasting stuff, good times. And this job is MINUTES from the Shack, so no long commute for him, either. PLUS......when I got home it was too late to start the roast I planned, so I am getting chinese for dinner.Things have a way of working out ;o)

Today is thursday, and the moving to The Shack is in full swing, we plan to be all in by this time next week. Don't get me wrong....I am grateful and happy to be moving. But JESUS, I am SO SICK of bubble wrap and packing tape. And, there is a LOT LOT more to moving than just packing your crap up and moving it to another place. We have been married for 27 years, and have spent 19 of them here. I am finding bits of my heart all though this house. I keep finding mementos of the kids childhood....handprints in paint, love notes to me from them, Mom day cards, drawings, letters from Steve to me when we were both in college, hell,.......I thought the crying was done at closing. I'm a regular water fountain lately. Who'd a thought I'd find Stevies first letter to his Gramma [my Mom] in a box of old pics? Baby books and memories. All the kids are adults now! I don't *feel* that old, except on cold mornings. And when I see a mountain of boxes to move, with my Ruby behind them. Just out of reach.But not for long, now.We're almost there :o)

11: National Hug Holiday and King Kamehameha Day
12: Machine Day

~They say kids brighten the home. That's because they never turn the damn lights off.~

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Anonymous said...

BTDT only the child lost daddy's SS and BC along with his own SS. Okay child was between 6 and 8 when he did it, opened up the lock box. We did not know this until daddy went to get a PT job last fall. Thankfully DH had worked for another division of the company off and on from 1987 to 2003. So DH went to the SS office 25 miles away they gave him a paper with his SS# & saying that a new card would be issued. Then we had to get a copy of his BC which takes an Act of Congress...okay it only has to involve the Pony Express...okay only in name I guess our local contract mail company who takes the mail to the regional sorting facility says Pony Express on their trucks and of course it was going to former Indian Territory. Anyway finally OKC sent us a new copy which is now hidden, along with ODS's toys drop ceiling until I bring my Christmas present from MIL home...yes she bought me a safe, what I wanted. Of course I'm the only one who ever opens her safe for her, she can't work the dial.

Lisa said...

Just think of all the new memories that will be made when all the "Grands" start coming over for the holidays.
I hate moving more then anything and I dont have to do anything but try to clear out clutter before the movers get here.

Gail said...

Oh, NO Lee! Hehehe!Sorry,but thats pretty funny.I never had anything like that happen,but I know these kids and I had VISIONS of those things happening :o)

Gail said...

Lisa, I can't WAIT!!! No grands on the horizon yet, but hope springs eternal :o) And the only movers we're getting are for the huge things....the piano, a few dressers, things that are best left to the pros' to move.I canNOT wait for the moving to be over.Gee,then unpacking an start :X :O)