I come downstairs this morning hearing "Hon, the movers are here" I come around the bottom of the stairs, and there are these 2 scrawny little kids, I swear I couldn't figure out how they were gonna move jack Shit. And then they got going, and I am an ass for judging by appearance. And they were so careful with the piano, I really appreciated that, the guys that brought it in acted like they were roping steer, and not moving an instrument. I am waiting very impatiently to hear if these movers can get my piano up to the "music room" [the 3rd bedroom, all my little toys will be in there,anybody sleeping over,you are warned! NO jammin after midnight!] Steve was pretty emphatic with a "no" . I said Oh NO you didn't, that's why you PAY movers. Which brings me to my funny-man, and what he did this morning. The movers are getting ready to git out of here, to go to the Shack. Payment time. And Steve says very casually to ME, "We're paying the movers out of YOUR checkbook, right?"
[we each have our own checking accts', but we can both sign on both accounts, make sense? He can write off of mine, and I can write off of his, but the registers.....now, THEY need to be separate. Separate and definitely NOT equal. Some of us may have had balancing issues, in which a number wasn't carried, or it was carried twice, or left the neighborhood all together, as the case may be, and others of us ,well gosh, we do not LIKE that. And I'm sure you know who is who.]
I damn near died! This is one of the things that we forgot to discuss...we agreed that the price was right, but I guess we each thought the other one was doin' the paying! I laughed my ass off, and told him, I thought the MAN was supposed to pay! I did pony up with my checkbook though, ahem, *I* knew RIGHT where my checkbook was. Good thing, -He doesn't have a CLUE where his is right now, it's in packing hell somewhere between my favorite sneakers and the deed to the house] I've been saving for these moving days for a loooong time now........Trust me, though, Steve will be thanking me for weeks to come ;o)
My key to the Shack. Thank you honey I love it:
Tony and one of the movin' guys:
And the next time I blog, over by where my name is at the top right? I can change that location to "The Love Shack" :O) [assuming the cable company up there shows up.]
-yes indeed,the movers got the piano up to the music room.YAY !!!
-I went to my local post office at this house,not the Shack, and there was STILL mail coming in for us.I explained that I filled out the online form,and forwarding should have started on monday.Our post mistress ripped a piece of corrugated cardboard up to fit the back of our mailbox,stuffed it in,and said there you go, NOW your mail will be forwarded.Small towns, you GOTTA love them :o)
~A woman is like a teabag - only in hot water do you realize how strong she is.~
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