A very instructive dinner!
I'm working in a new to me kitchen, with new to me cookware, and mostly new to me appliances. I believe I've said, I cook big, and host big, and 2 of the biggest parties are Thanksgiving and Christmas. Not knowing the players in your kitchen is a recipe for Disaster when cooking big, so I figured I'd do a trial run of my Thanksgiving dinner tonight, a full bore Turkey extravaganza.
I already discovered, my new upright freezer is gonna take some figuring, in the thawing dept. In the old house/old freezer, a 12-14 lb turkey would thaw, in a pan in the fridge, in 5 days. I took a 16 lb bird out of this freezer LAST FRIDAY, and mon. evening [10 days later] it was still kinda hard. My stove BITES IT. Evidently, propane has a regulator to monitor the flow of propane to your appliances. This was not functioning or did not exist in the old place. Here, I'm "Safe" and my range BITES. That was quite the learning curve on a big hunk o'meat. Also, my biscuits take longer to brown too, so overall, everything will take longer. Yay. Of course, if I yell "Turkey" my whole mob descends upon me, and they loved it. And that makes Mom happy. So it was worth it :O)
I'm sure you know by now, Senator Ted Kennedy passed on last night. This has been a really weird day for me. You can tell the high esteem which which I regard certain politicians.....well, I feel that way about just about all of them. Meglomaniacal, power hungry ass-kissing attention seeking asshats. (99% of them)
For me personally, the Kennedy clan stood apart. Not because I agree with their politics, cause I disagree with QUITE a few things they espoused, I'm not even sure there's a word for my political leanings,...the party of Turkey :X Not because they were of such sterling character, and I'm sure you all know Teds' history, so I won't bore you with the details, but a saint he was NOT. But, the charisma aside,.....what I believe.......is that most of the Kennedy clan was truly dedicated to public service.They were the few, true politicians who were there to help their constituents because it was their Job, their burden and their joy to do so. Not for crack, not for a blow job, not to dress like a woman or praise Jesus in the Oval office. Not for bribes, or power for powers sake, or because they had great speech writers and could ACT like a president, but in substance were all smoke and mirrors.
I see Teds' passing, and I look around wondering...........where is the legacy? Where are the up-and-coming Statesmen and Stateswomen? Who in politics today carries the burden of Public Service?
I see no one.
And that is disheartening, and frightening.
I believe you know I live in NY. Where our State government, well, if you haven't read about it I won't even try to describe the pigs that inhabit Albany, led by a pompous jackass. Certainly no Statespeople up there. I look at our President, and I see a talking head. I do not see considered thought in some major decisions being made [the Cash for Clunkers program, for example, I can speak to] I think Obama sees any type of considered thought as feet dragging, and something to be avoided at all costs. And THAT is disturbing to me too, I understand the theory behind this, but the actual practice leaves a LOT to be desired. And I have to wonder if Obama really cares about what he is doing. Or, if we'll find out, in a few months or years, what his true agenda is.
A day of remembering, and of joy and sadness here.
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26th: National Cherry Popsicle Day
28th: World Sauntering Day
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