One really good aspect of having a blog is that sometimes people who read you send you stuff. I've received a lot of cartoons that I kinda can't blog, as they are definitely x-rated, but still appreciated :o) But web sites too, and they hit your funnybone. This first one, I don't remember if Boo sent it to me or I sent it to her, but we both love this:
In Time mag this week,there is an article about the founder of the site, Ben Huh. In a sidebar, there is a list of the web sites he has generated over the years, and I was amazed to see that I visit all of them, and never made the connection. Here is a list of some of his creations, via Time mag:
and this, my personal favorite....I have one brother, who,when my Dad commented on his handyman/mechanical skills, said "That boy has one tool...a hammer." That brother would RATHER jury-rig something for the sheer joy of it, rather than go for the traditional fix. This site reminds me so much of him :
I am so happy! I have this whole coming week off....the owners of the business I work for close the whole place down for a week and go on vacation, so no pay, but a whole WEEK! [Steve took Monday off too, so I don't think I'll be getting too much done, hehehe] And I had Friday off. I looked at the clock at 4am on friday, and thought ooooooooo, another hour in bed.....wait.....I HATE TODAY OFF AND IT IS THE START OF VACATION! and I got so excited I couldn't try and sleep, lol. Dumbass.
I have planned to finish the unpacking this week, I'm tired of rubbermaid bins and running to the basement to find shit. But I haven't felt this good, or relaxed, since before we started house hunting. I didn't realize the full extent of the weight of my commute until last night. I was talking to one of my sisters, asking when she is coming up to the Shack, and I told her, upstairs is almost done, but I'm not done unpacking yet, the commute is killing me. She says, well, a lot of people commute. And she was right, but that is NOT me. I guess one of the reasons I blast the music is to try to not hear what is going on in my brain during the commute, is it SUCH SUCH a waste of my friggin time..........1 hour or more one way ..........when I could be doing something here. I'm not a man, nor a woman who is the major breadwinner, and to each his own, right? I feel guilty for not being here, and guilty when I am, I'm a regular two-gun Sam. I NEVER thought I'd associate playing Ruby or with my plants or reading with guilt, cause I COULD be unpacking, right? And my MIL is coming next weekend, Lord knows what she'll think when she sees the basement. Wait, she reads this blog sometimes. Oh,well, that stays, it's the truth. I'm no good at this commuting/working/running the house/having time for myself shit. Steve is just la-di-la about it, he doesn't care, but then again, he loves me and it ain't his gig either, it's all mine baby, all mine. I belong on the FAIL blog :X
[even as I type this, Sat. morning, the men are at work or a car show. Since they are "playing" I ought to be able to play too.I am off to play Ruby.Then I'll go see how many pots I need to buy to pot on some plants that won't stop growing.Then I'll go play some more, or read. FAIL.]
15th: National Relaxation Day, National Failures Day
18th: Bad Poetry Day
"Alaska: it's Different up There"
"About 10,000 Juneau residents briefly lost power after a bald eagle lugging a deer head crashed into transmission lines. 'This is the story of an overly ambitious eagle, who evidently found a deer head in the landfill' said Alaska Light & Power spokesperson Gayle Wood. The bird, weighed down by the deer head, apparently failed to clear the transmission lines. A repair crew found the eagle dead, the deer head nearby. 'You have to live in Alaska to have this type of outage scenario', Wood said."
Saturday, August 15
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2 comments: is awesome!
Not only is that awesome, I just added the link to my "list of places I like to visit" so I won't forget it.Thank you honey :o)
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