-An open bottle of beer, half full.
-A bag of cat food, open, with a scoop in it, about half full.
-Party plates and cups, and plastic cutlery, open and contents partially missing.
Think about that for a sec. I really got the idea they were partyin' dooooooooooown in the pet section, or the neighborhood cats broke into the store. I LMAO, and got some funny looks. I tried to explain what hit my funny bone, but no one else saw it.
Well holy shit.
I think I'm on technological overload.
First off, I think I Facebooked this but didn't blog it...Steve won an itouch from Toyota. He "gave" it to me, because *I* now have a ball buster of a commute, and he did NOT want me stealing XMRadio out of his car.
I had concerns about the itouch+old dog=new tricks thing, but I am technologically smart, so I knew I'd adapt to it [on Facebook, I said I just don't feel cool enough for the itouch.Well, I do now. ]
[An aside: in our old home,there was no verizon reception, we all used sprint. At his work, Steve needs to use Verizon. So Steve used Verizon, and I used Sprint]
This week Steve and I crunched the numbers, and saw that it would be more cost effective for me to pay the early termination fee at Sprint, and have Steve give me "a line" at Verizon. Within 4 months the decision will pay for itself. So I needed to find a phone at verizon. And I saw the LG enV Touch VX11000. Did my homework, Consumer Reports rated it number one from Verizon, Cnet loved it, so I said what the hell. That is the phone I got Friday. I figured:
Q) HOW much different could it be to use than the itouch?
A) A ball buster, THAT's how much different.
The "scroll" action, the finger-flick way you navigate around the cell phone with, is NOT the same, itouch has it ALL over the enV.
But the thing that is bothering me, and it took me a while to sort it out......I believe in having the right tool to do the job.Not the most advanced nor the most expensive, but the RIGHT one. This was one expensive phone, and aside from having a better camera [YAY for YOU!] I'm not feeling the love for this phone, I prefer my old phone. I don't buy technology for technologys' sake, .........my favorite mp3 player[s] are my shuffles. I don't have much use for the nano, and this itouch......well, I am sitting here tonight.The "landline" broadband phone to my left. The old cell phone. The touch. MY laptop. My laptop mouse, and my new cell phone. And I am about weirded out. This is a HELL of a lot of technology.
And something else. It occurs to me, what I don't like about the new trend of using your cell as your landline. What happens to 'family' here? No one line coming into the house, defining your posse,..or "mob". It makes me feel a little old. When I was in school and you got sick, the nurse called your house, not Moms' cell or Dads cell. A Ton of good and bad news came thru that main line. A couple gets married now, and they each have their own phone numbers, no "ours". No "team" number.
I don't like that. Go ahead and laugh, I get old fashioned like that. We have a "Team Gail" number. But if you wanna talk to me, you have my cell too. Hmmmmmmmm.
OMFDDG. I cannot beLIEVE this.
It's Saturday, and I am hand-entering all the contacts from my old sprint phone to the new verizon one. This is making me motion sick, and stabby to boot. PITA scroll, my left ASS cheek it scrolls. I'm adding one of my sisters cell number, and screwed it up pretty darned good. I go to "edit contacts"........and my sis is already there. Home and cell. WTF?? I look, and ALL my contacts have migrated to this phone. ACROSS PROVIDERS, with no help from me. I got motion sick and stabby, and it was all for NOTHING. So if you ever have to switch providers,wait a day or two and LOOK before you start entering your crap, it may already be in there. Holy Shit, that is wild.
BUT WAIT...there's even MORE wild shit! I think my eyes might be offended, I dunno. It's Sunday. I walk into the livingroom, and WHAT do I see, but BRIAN BOITANO [World Champion Ice Skater] has a show on the food network, "What would Brian Boitano make?" I definitely am not buying this. And since I'm feeling stabby, his trying to be funny [I seem to remember he acted like a pissant, but my memory might be failing, along with my ability to suffer asshats] is pissing me off. And he's cooking dishes that all include bacon for a womens rollerskating team?
[ Think about THAT for a sec....THAT is freakin random.WHO in the hell came up with that idea, I'd love to have a drink with them and hear the back story]
What I'm seeing is that he is using a biscuit cutter to cut puff pastry. And twisting the biscuit cutter, killing the puff pastrys' ability to rise up and get puffy. And no one thought to edit that lil twist out of a foodtv show. But I'll bet the end product will look divine. Hold on a sec, let me finish watching him make it, and I'll tell you.
Yup, they are absolutely perfect lil puffs. If I did that and cooked it, it would look like I cooked a whole lot of lil animals. And mangled them up before doing so. OOOoooooooo,feelin stabby again.
Here's my first pic from the new phone.Flu season is coming up, and I'm really low on the homemade chicken and turkey broths, so I took today to make up the turkey broth and it's ready for the freezer:
30th: National Toasted Marshmallow Day
31st: National Trail Mix Day
2nd: National Beheading Day
[no trivia, feeling stabby, I might bloggie something offensive.Oh, wait, I've already done that.Oh,well, I'll think up something for next time.]