~“The Blog That Watches Back”~

Friday, May 15

We Done Good!

The Love Shack is officially ours!
We had our closing yesterday. Our real estate agent warned us to bring comfortable pens to write with, cause we'd be signing a LOT of paperwork. Holy Shit, was she right! My friend Laura, who is a real estate attorney and a member of my heart loop, represented us, it felt very comforting to have a friend there to protect us :o)

There was a lot of joking,- here, there, and everywhere I went, about exactly how much crying I would do at closing. I will have you know, I was MOST excellent......not one tear thru all the signing.....even when Laura handed us the deed to our Love Shack! But then, Laura pulled a lil something of her purse. A card. From my heart loopies. Not only did they get us a gift card to Home Depot, they were so generous we were shocked, but........sitting there with the love of my life holding my hand on one side of me, one of my close personal friends on the other, the deed to our home in front of me,......and I'm holding a card from my heart loop, they couldn't be there in person so they were all there in spirit, they made Damn sure we knew they were cheering us on and wishing us well. I just LOST it, and I totally recommend friendship crying to relieve stress :O)

A few pics [not very good,*I* took them, but no worries,you will get sick of seeing them before I'm done!]

First blessing the Shack,.......a loaf of bread, a jug of wine........

My Mom loved Hostas, and I got my love of them from her. I was worried about getting my hostas up to the Shack. Until I saw this...it appears that someone tried to make a heart shaped rock garden by the rock wall on the rear of our property [I just said "Our Property", hehehe] and They must have loved hostas too. This wil be my heart loop garden, when I get done with it:

I can't say how
-Ecstatic we are to own our own place
-nervous we are about owning our own place
-overwhelmed at the thought of moving 27 years of life to our own place
-a'skeered about the cost of owning our own place......oh, hey, we already got a hit on the "cost" thing, how's THAT for a world record? The huge electrical cable, that leads from the wires on the corner of the house to the meter? That needs to be replaced, and the electric company says that's OUR gig, not theirs! YAY Steve and Gail, you haven't moved anything IN yet [well, almost nothing yet :X] and you're already spending ! FTW!!
-exhausted.That's the big one, just exhausted.
And I'll take all those ANY day over a

[oh, fill in the blanks. There are about 13 of them, all derogatory, and ranging from mild minced oaths to full bore cursing, which, if you remember correctly, I am Very good at]

landlord from hell.

OMG! A lil extra somethin' for you, hehehe. I'm blogging @ 3:30 Fri.afternoon. Steve went to the Shack to change out the locks on the doors and install the mailbox. He just called:

S:Honey just tell me I'm a dick.
G: WHATS WRONG ? [I could hear it in his voice]
S: Just tell me I'm a dick right now
S: I took your truck. Used MY key fob for your truck. And *I* do not HAVE the key to the Shack now, it is on the fob with the keys for MY car.

Poor guy went all the way up there for nada, I am laughing myself silly. I will be a supportive kind wife when he gets home. But I'll be laughing behind my hand. In a kind supportive way .

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~YAY TEAM GAIL!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

May 15th:
National Pizza Party day

~The trouble with life is, you're half way through it before you realize it's a 'do it yourself' thing.~

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CaptainChaos! said...

You do realize that, at some point, you'll have to put the cello down long enough to do a little packing, right? HA!! Hectic but you'll love every minute of it!

Gail said...

I'll love every minute of it,and so will you when you come help us move :X :o)

John Voss said...

Congratufreakinlations!!!! I am so happy for you! I actually got a tiny tear...ahem, ahem...no, it must have been pollen. But really, Gail, my heartfelt best to you and Steve for fulfilling such a lifelong, and wonderful dream. If you like, I'll make a print for you of whichever 'graph you choose from my blog for your wall (whatever the size of the 'graph 10x10, 10.5x13.5, or some such, the mounted print in its mat will be 16x20 either vertical, or horizontal depending on the pic).
I will not be the least offended if such a print isn't in your decor scheme, and isn't really going to fit well with your other decor, but if it does...then it's yours in a gallery frame.

Al said...

thanks John, you just make my mom cry. again. ;-)

BadBooking said...

^^^ And that comment made mom cry... AGAIN! :)

Gail said...

John,I am so blown away by your generosity I don't know what to say. Really, I was gonna comment last night,and just couldn't find the words to say Thank You.THANK YOU! And Yes,we would LOVE one of your prints,my family has been seeing your work as the wallpaper on my laptop since I found your blog,they are all familiar with you.... as you can tell by the comments some of them left :o)