~“The Blog That Watches Back”~

Wednesday, May 20

How to wear a cup !

When I started this bloggie, I thought it would be like an online diary of sorts......a place for me to say what was on my mind. It never occurred to me that people might actually read it, or even have something to say back to me. You can see that a lot more people read than comment, I think I'll have to think of a name for the group of people who appear on any regular basis, in the comment section............oooooooooooo, that 'll be a fun one to think up. But I digress.......After some comments were left on the bloggie, I installed that counter, and discovered that people read it. That counter tells you one thing...a number. It doesn't say who, or what sex, if any, or anything else. So I was very surprized to get an e-mail from a very old friend........who stumbled onto my blog when she was doing a google search. She has a teen-aged son involved in sports, and didn't want to ask her men about it. She searched for...................drum roll please.................the wearing of an athletic supporter. Only that's not the term she searched. She looked up "How to wear a cup". ABSOLUTELY no shit, go look up that phrase at google, and scroll about half way down. Go ahead, I can wait.

Of ALL the things to find, she finds a blog by someone who was house hunting,and willing to kick lying sellers in their nether-regions. And she started reading. And laughing. And reading some more, and then it hit her,she knew me! And evidently, I haven't changed too much, good to know, and she is still a sweetheart,very gratifying to know. She was sorry to hear about some things that have happened to us. Flabbergasted to see that Steve and I are still together, [it *has* been a long time] and caught me up on her family,.....we now know one of them will be wearing a cup :X I cannot stop laughing at that. How to find an old friend? You have to admit, that is unique. FTW, for me, for popping up on a cup search!! :O)
I could not be happier for her to have contacted me, Thank You Glennie :o) I saved your letter, so I can go re-read it when one of my sisters insists that I am a bitch from hell cause she can't tell lies and drama from the truth

[did *I* say that? Why,yes I did, and it is so! So there! That's what a blog is for! You know I have enough brothers and sisters so that wasn't personally identifiable, and actually, if she ever read this blog I would be shocked. But, that's a story for another day, today is happy. How's THAT for a run-on 'aside'? ]

To the Shack! We went out last night and picked the color for the living/dining area, and it is: Behr, Mother Nature 410F-4. I was GONNA say, google that and you'll see it.

[I just hafta say, after that e-mail, Google takes on a whole new light for me, and I am still laughing over that]

Only, some of my friends have already done that, and I haven't seen the shade represented correctly yet, even at Behr, so don't bother. You'll see the befores-and-afters right here. We were kinda worried last night, the shade looks too olive in low light [think quiet evening] but Steve ponied right up with "Hey, it's only 70$, if we hate it we'll repaint it" Strong, strong words coming from a man who will not let ANYONE paint in our house but him. Never did, probably never will.THAT is a kind man :O) Tonight, on to hunt us up some furniture. THIS is my kinda shopping! Poor Steve is sick....it's just a cold, nothing serious, but that doesn't mean he doesn't feel any less sick. [And no, it's not the swine flu,and he is not a swine, even though his socks on the floor tell a different tale. That's just between us. And everyone at Google, they seem to adore us]

May 2oth:-

-Eliza Doolittle Day

May 21st:

- "I need a patch for that" day

~Stress: The confusion created when ones mind overrides the body's basic desire to choke the living crap out of some butthead who desperately needs it.~

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