~“The Blog That Watches Back”~

Friday, May 8

Can't a gal cry Happy Tears without getting laughed at?

We insured the new house today, and our insurnace agent faxed the policy to the mortgage broker and to Steve at work. There was some drama, evidently they forgot to put my name on the policy the first time.When Steve called them, they reviewed it and discovered they missed an important rider,

[ok,it was the sewer rider.....we have municipal sewer there,and we needed a rider in case it backed up.So, according to State Farm, Gail =Sewer :X]

so it was all good. He just brought the policy home. What an unexpected THRILL to see our names,with our new address, you know what I'm doing, yup, boohoo again :O)

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Sarah said...


Gail said...

::::smooches to my T::::

toypartman said...

Eye leakage has been a common sight around these parts lately.

Gail said...

Sorry Honey :o)A Lot of Happiness around these parts lately too :O)